Discussion: FBI: Owner Of Hospice Told Nurses To Overdose Patients To Speed Death

Novus’ website says the company offers hospice and home health care services.

And much, much more!

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“The American Way of Death” redux: profits before people; profits from people!


Why would they charge Harris? He owns a hospital, for cryin’ out loud!
Talk about immunity!

I saw this on “Law and Order.” Lennie nailed 'em.


Ill admit I’m no journalist but how do you fit:

“”“Harris has not been charged. The FBI on Wednesday declined to say whether an investigation is ongoing”""

Into the rest of that article?

The FBI investigation of Novus… initially focused on allegations that the company sought federal reimbursements for patients recruited by Novus who didn’t qualify for services…

So maybe the rest of the story is that they were recruiting otherwise healthy homeless old people to come to their facility, getting reiumbursed for taking care of them, then offing them when the payments started tailing off.

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Someone needs to do some research on these diminishing payments. How much do they diminish? The hospice still gets paid for providing care, so it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense that killing off your clients would increase profits.
I’m aware of this practice, and in most cases the patient is terminally ill and in considerable pain, or the quality of life has diminished to the point that they are very close to a vegetative state. The family is usually on board with increasing the dosages knowing that eventually they will be fatal. The alternative is to prolong the agony for both the patient and the family.
If the story about the email is true, the hospice owner is a moron. But there is the possibility that the owner had spoken with the family and they approved the increased dosage. This may turn out to be a story of mercy rather than one of greed.

The Repuglican Health Plan
To quote 1 “Don’t get sick”
2 “If you do get sick, die fast”

Truth, not sarcasm


Hospice for fun and profit!

I’m quite sure many, many doctors have been easing clearly terminally ill people into a pain free death when they could without leaving any paper trail ever since all the many drugs that can do this were available to them. Probably more so in the old days before so much attention and documentation.

I understand that with a very deformed newborn baby born in the home doctors in the old days regularly did what they thought best, although today we would spend a million dollars on all kinds of support and interventions even if it leads to a a life of far less than normal human awareness and function and also pain, and more millions if that is what it takes to sustain that life as long as we can maintain it.


He has not been charged, so that is true.

But yes, the second sentence is incorrect. Other articles indicate the FBI said it’s investigation began in 2014, they have definitely said there is an investigation ongoing. They have refused to comment on the investigation, and of course they should not. So the AP reporter needs a lesson in journalism.


I’m sure that is true, but the content of his communications leads me to believe that may not be the case here. The affidavit says that at a lunch meeting with other health care executives he wanted to “find patients who would die within 24 hours”, and made comments like “if this f*** would just die”.

So, even in the best case “mercy” scenario, he is an unprofessional and insensitive low life POS. And that’s the best case scenario. Seems a lot more possible he committed a crime or two.


This is appalling. It’s a hospice, it’s not supposed to be an execution chamber.

Someone please explain to me why we allow investor-owned for-profit health care facilities? It always seems that when something like this is going on, it’s at a for-profit facility. That is aside from the fact that it is questionably ethical (in my opinion) to profit passively from someone else’s misfortune.


So let me get this straight: a murderer in Texas killed people by lethal injection? Yeah, there’s some evil irony for you.


3…2…1…DEATH PANELS!!! See!!! This is all the fault of the ACA causing exploding health care costs herpa derpa!!! YOU OWE US AN APOLOGY…WE WERE RIGHT ABOUT DEATH PANELS!!!


Even better…just like all the other tough-talkin’ owboy pussies in TX, he was having someone else carry it out for him rather than doing it himself.

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Yeah, juries love defendants who do that.

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The document explains that federal reimbursements can diminish the
longer a patient receives care. A provider eventually can be forced to
return federal payments.

Can anyone explain why this is?

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This particular situation is pretty despicable, but this sort of thing happens a lot. My friends mother is a nurse and from what I’ve been told medications are frequently given under the guise of easing pain when the reality of what they are doing is speeding up the death of an individual who is already destined to die, it’s just a matter of time. I have no problem with putting people out of their misery. I would want the same for myself.