Discussion: FBI: 'No Connection' Found Between Las Vegas Shooting, International Terrorism

What about MAGA terrorism?



Well OK then. I feel so much better now. Pass the guacamole, please.

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‘No Connection’ Found Between Las Vegas Shooting, International Terrorism

There was no connection with international terrorism in the Gay Club shooting in Orlando either, but the shooter being muslim, so that makes liable to be remote operated by ISIS or Al-Qaeda


RW media is already promoting this guy as a recently converted Muslim based on that statement from ISIS. I believe ISIS deliberately engaged in propaganda to boost its sagging fortunes and may have had a little juice from Moscow to do it.


Fake FBI findings. Comey holdovers sabotaging the fight against terrorism.

Trump: No Terrorist!!! He was White!

There is no way that this old white fart from Mesquite is a “recently converted Muslim.” Mesquite is red state/Faux News country. I’ve been there – it is a sleepy farm town with casinos and golf courses and middle income white people go there to retire. NRA, you bought and paid for this.


On this page for me: “Triple Your Accuracy With This Weird Shooting Technique Used By Seal (sic) Snipers”

Why the fuck would I give you $5 per month when your other revenue comes from the filth you promote?

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“FBI: ‘No Connection’ Found Between Las Vegas Shooting, International Terrorism.”

Sure, but Thernovith and Posobeicaca will.

It is a weird world, in which right wingers who style themselves as “conservatives” and “patriots” (without any real relation to the proper meanings of either of those words) make themselves willing propaganda stooges of Moscow and/or Daesh.

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oh yeah…ISIS claiming ‘responsibility’…c’mon…now they are turning pasty faced old white guys MUSLIM???

I’d be willing to bet there’s plenty of connection between the Las Vegas shooting and the domestic terrorist organization, the NRA.

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Ohhhhh, I see, not international terrorism so no real problem, the media, NRA and repukes just have to obfuscate for a few days and…Voila! disappeared

Is the use of “international” new? This seems to imply that FBI is acknowledging that mowing down people for whatever reason (which we may never know) is terrorism. If true that’s a sea change.

More interested in ties with the Bundys

Interesting look a how Donald reacts to white guys shooting folks vs people of other colors/faiths