Discussion for article #228953
How did they solve crimes before cell phones? Seems like a phony argument made by lazy cops.
“Comey also said the FBI was committed to a “front-door” approach, through court orders and under strict oversight, to intercepting communications.”
That’s some great material.
Logic tells me the Total Informational Awareness cabal is pissed they may have to cede an inch to privacy.
If you’re innocent and not nude why should people worry about ignorant law enforcement people looking at your stuff?
Tuffy the Clown
Freelance Dectective
It’s true! Even here at TPM, there is at least one person who DEMANDS, literally, for the NSA be able to access any communication made. Cuz child prostitution!
Thank You, Ed Snowden.
Yes. The NSA should have a master key that unlocks every door of every home and every car, as well, in case they need to look in. If you’ve got nothing to hide, this should be no problem for you.
Haven’t heard from that little ratf^cker lately-- have we?
What does he think about Ebola?
Or borscht?
I hoping this is snark. Too often at this place, it isn’t.
I guess if you only read TPM and prefer shallow gossipy bits about Ann Coulter and the Palin Brawl, because they basically stopped reporting on anything to do with the NSA or Ed Snowden. Cuz Democrats!
The director of the F.B.I., James B. Comey, said on Thursday that the “post-Snowden pendulum” that has driven Apple and Google to offer fully encrypted cellphones had “gone too far.”
I hear a tiny encrypted violin playing in the distance.
Funny that.
Sounds just like Snowden Fanboys whining in unison.
You must be thrilled about Ed’s girlfriend joining him in Russia.
And the new movie, of course!
Likening encrypted data to a safe that cannot be cracked or a closet door that won’t open, Comey said the move by tech companies to protect user communications in the name of privacy is certain to impede a wide range of criminal investigations.
Too bad the Department of Justice does not have subpoena power over safes, doors, or computers.
Privacy must be outlawed for the convenience of the police! We won’t be safe until everyone is in jail!
100% pure unadulterated snark.
Did you miss Comey’s reference to Snowden? If you want to try and make the case that this is off-topic given his remark, I wish you the best of luck in your latest attempt at controlling the discussion.
The director of the F.B.I., James B. Comey, said on Thursday that the “post-Snowden pendulum” that has driven Apple and Google to offer fully encrypted cellphones had “gone too far.”
Thanks. It’s really hard to tell here, as you can clearly see.
The video was a reply to jw, who seemed curious as to what Snowden had been up to of late.
Really, if you think raising a stink over a few posts mentioning Snowden is worth it, knock yourself out - I don’t think you’ll be getting much traction. Just “spinning your wheels”, so to speak.
You managed to get his name in three times in one reply. Nicely played.
Naw, I could care less about a publicity seeking little coward hiding behind Uncle Putin’s manly posturing.
I’m more interested in the content of this article and it’s implications for terrorists.