Discussion: FBI Background Check Slows Shanahan Confirmation, Dredges Up Domestic Dispute

Would it be snarky to say that republicans only like executives who beat their wives, not ones who are beaten by them?



F___ it


I think the issue here is: Did she beat him ? or spank him ? Donald will understand…


It’s as old as the monkey face palm, but it has to be said. “Only the best people…”


When Trump finds out Shanahan was beat up by his wife, bye-bye Shanahan.


Acting Secretary of State Patrick Shanahan

I hate to break it to Kate Riga but Shanahan is the acting Secretary of Defense. Not that it matters. All these clowns are interchangeable anyway.


Sheesh…just give it to Jared. At least we know where we stand with him -he’ll never pass a background check, at least for America.


She probably found out about his affair and confronted him over it.


and GOP “family values.” Their irony/hypocrisy is boundless.


I would think they’d spin this as diversity within the party. “We don’t just hire white males who abuse…”


Family Values = Women are Chattel

I thought domestic violence was a qualification to serve in this maladministration. I wonder what’s really up with this decision. I think it has more to do with that one time Shanahan disagreed with trump about selling arms to Saudi Arabia and UAE without going through the normal channels of Congressional approval. That alone would be unforgivable to trump. Next to the idea of selling migrant children into child slavery, this was probably one of trump’s best ways to make money on the down-low. He needs willing accomplices and it sounded like Shanahan wasn’t exactly onboard with the whole illegal arms sales thingy.

Doesn’t matter. tRump will sell those arms regardless of Congressional approval. He’s daring them to stop him. He just needs someone in place to complete the transactions.

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Snarky, but fair. FWIW, I’d allow it.

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The Senate Armed Services Committee initially had his confirmation hearing planned for Tuesday, June 18…Shanahan still has not been formally nominated

Why would they be holding hearings on someone who hasn’t been nominated for a position?


It wouldn’t be the first time a powerful figure called the police in order to shame, control and punish an upset spouse. It’s kind of the ultimate dickish coward move from a certain type of misogynist.


There’s a typo in the very first sentence of this article. He’s not “acting secretary of state.” He’s “acting secretary of defense.”
Get it right, TPW.

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Is it snark when it’s objectively accurate?

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Guess the security clearance turned up something serious. Trump just pulled him out. https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1141027593774346240


I no longer think “family values” is a case of hypocrisy. I agree that Republicans appear to be more guilty of violating bright-line rules related to the family unit, but I don’t think that’s what they or their supporters are thinking of when they use the term.

I think “family values” is shorthand for something like “family-unit power structures.” What is the power structure of the family unit? The adult(s) have fiat power over the children, and this is judged by everyone in the family to be necessary and appropriate. A parent has very broad latitude to define their own parenting style, and further is not bound by any kind of precedent or rules-based regime. A parent is entirely within their rights to punish one child more severely than another for the same offense, or reward them differently, etc., and society generally has little appetite for actually imposing any kind of consistency on parents. And at no point is power transferred to the children in some kind of shared responsibility arrangement.

That is exactly how the GOP runs government.

  1. Republicans are in charge and will always be in charge, so get over it.
  2. We’re going to adjudicate every decision however we want, and nobody has any standing to challenge either the outcome or the process, because it’s right and proper for us to rule by fiat.
  3. It is absolutely unacceptable for anyone to criticize us, because we are in charge and entitled to respect in addition to power.

Liberals hear “family values” and think it refers to homespun morality. Conservatives hear “family values” and think “mini monarchy.”

This is why conservatives aren’t bothered when a Republican cheats on his wife or breaks the law or harms millions of other families to benefit his own “family.” Dad’s role as Dad is an immutable fact, and will always be.