Discussion: Far-Right Social Media Site Comes Close To Losing Platform Over Anti-Semitic Posts

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Would Microsoft have threatened the media site with loss of hosting if the threats were directed towards North Koreans?

“blatantly anti-Semitic—but not violent” … uhhh … wut?


I just want the names of all these folks published. Is that too much to ask?


“Close to losing”, or as it is more commonly known… “still has, and will get an infinite number of second chances”


Wake me up when they lose it.


This article makes me feel like starting an account on Gab to promote white genocide. Free speech, right?

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Anti-Semitism is not just a problem for Jews; it is a problem for all of our society.

Ephraim Mirvis

WTF is wrong with these white people?


You’d think by now the Alt-Right, the Alt-Alt-Right, the Alt-Light-Right and the Alt-Not-To-Bright-Right woudl just set up their own system. Self segregate bros, it’s your free right.


Good on Microsoft. Send these White nationalist trolls to the “dark” web.

This is not even a free speech issue; the government has nothing to do with Microsoft’s decision. Are these bigots so dumb that they don’t understand the difference between the right to free speech versus the desire to be heard? Just because they are free to say terrible things does not mean that they have the right to post their speech on somebody else’s website. You don’t have a right to have your hate broadcasted.

Besides, there is not right to speech that incites violence.



I am reasonably certain that Citizens United explicitly asserts the opposite.

These people have always been there. They are not growing in numbers. However, the Internet and 400 channel TV running 24/7 has given them a megaphone, and by golly, they use it.


Lefties want to ban hate speech, which only strengthens the haters–gives them more fuel for their inner hate furnaces. Try understanding them as per the remarkable piece, “Can Violent Racists Kick Their Addiction to Hate?,” (Mother Jones Podcast) Here’s a quote from it, a quote that explains rather than derides these people. The author wrote, “Rather than preexisting anti-Semitism or xenophobia, a cocktail of experiences such as isolation, depression, anxiety, or childhood abuse typically served as the stepping stones to extremism.” This article tunes us into the growing number of treatment programs that help these troubled people give up their hateful behaviors and ideas, not by opposing them but by empathizing with their hidden suffering. I report use of the same in my book, How to Transform Trump: Based on Other Sociopaths’ Profound Life Changes. (Amazon)

America, including liberals, desperately needs a spiritual/moral revolution, a transformation from blatantlly and subtly relying on shaming and guilt tripping upsetting people to helping them to empathize deeply with the suffering they endure, the suffering that untended drives their hatred.

All of their perceived problems could be solved through embracing education, something they’ve shown no interest in for generations.

MS is complicit until they cut them off. Any recoil to doing that is just false equivalence.

Ugh. Yes, in that sense you are unfortunately correct.

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