Discussion: Far-Right Derides Mail Bomb Campaign As Pre-Election 'False Flag'

EVEN if they catch the perp EVEN if the perp is a member of the RNC they will say the person’s WHOLE LIFE was a lie JUST to get to this moment to delegitimize the Trump Nationalist Movement.


“while radio host Rush Limbaugh said, “Republicans just don’t do this kind of thing.”


Say What!!!, I thought she was supposedly one of the few smart ones.

Meghan McCain Compares Suspicious Packages Sent To Dems, CNN To GOP Restaurant Heckling


Only one side talks about a 2nd Amendment solution.


The only way to stop this kind of shit is to put a bomb in the hands of every American. If everyone had their own bomb there is no way this could happen–why send a bomb to someone who already has one? Mandatory pipe bomb making classes for all(except for people of color-obviously) #bombsaway!


Kavanaugh, Khashoggi, the Karavan, theatrical Orange Buffoon rallies, and now, OMG!, bombs in the post! Is there an election coming?

I like your idea but I will go one further: somebody is planting it on the Bernie Sanders supporters because ‘she’ was a real bete noire for the Sanders people. Remember, she had to be fired on the first day of the Dem Convention?

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I’m wondering if the bomber is a Floridian resident of Wasserman Schultz’a district maybe. Throw her in as a bonus victim?

It’s also too random not to be from the mind of an actual imbalanced person.

How is it random? It seems anything but random to me.


so predictable; I told my wife this would be the response when the story first broke.


I think someone on “the left” would know that John Brennan is an MSNBC contributor, not CNN.

Seriously though, wouldn’t they use a return address of a n R organization or person or include obvious right wing messages and symbols?


If my bomb comes before my Soros check I’m gonna be really ticked off.


One of the analysts on CNN was actually spouting this, too. Am I to understand that, more often than not, people inflict acts of terrorism on themselves? Do they round up all the rabbis when someone paints a swastika on a synagogue? Because we all expect a backlash after something like this, people have started to think (in these times of non-stop coverage) that the expected backlash must also be the primary motive for an attack like this. It’s useful to look back at Timothy McVeigh and abortion clinic bombers, not to mention the IRA “troubles.” They were all true believers, but all of these attacks would today trigger “false flag” warnings. The Manson murders, on the other hand, were a false flag operation, and very exceptional.

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I wrote my frustration but it’s an unfair statement and I agree I’m wrong.

I’ve just felt terribly frustrated since trump’s “2nd amendment” solution comment that our major outlets have not been taking this seriously. While I acknowledge it’s a delicate matter to report on I don’t understand their decision to let the warning signs basically slide while they breathlessly debate if it’s ok for college students to protest fascists or activists to interrupt McConnell’s meal and promote the notion that political polarization is the real issue etc


The right wing theorists are showing their cowardice. What they ought to do is work with the left to stop any politcal violence. Differences of opinion are one thing, supporting violence (praising the body slamming of a reporter) and sending bombs (thereby endangering many more than the intended target) is quite another. And trump has been right there using his office to spread fear, division and hatred. He is responsible for this as much as this bomber is.



Damn that Soros, he’s always late with the checks!!


I don’t disagree with the major thrust of your comment, but me, I’d leave Hopewell M.B. off of that list. Given that the man arrested and charged with arson in that instance was a black member of the church, I imagine that case is pretty high on the list of “This righchere is PROOF that the libs do these false flags!”

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That’s one person - which qualifies as an anomaly. On the right it is no anomaly. They’ve been murdering people for years - burned up little girls in a black church, murdered a doctor in the aisle of his own church on a Sunday, blew up the Murra Building, had a tiki torch Nazi parade and then murdered an innocent protester and beat several African Americans pretty badly; murdered a number of elderly African Americans in their church after praying with them; I could keep going…


When we’re talking about the false flag narrative instead of straightforwardly discussing Republican terrorism, we’re losing.