Look no further than the right-wing celebrities themselves, and the few billionaire-owned networks and press outlets that trot them out for our entertainment…
No further “differentiation” required…
Look no further than the right-wing celebrities themselves, and the few billionaire-owned networks and press outlets that trot them out for our entertainment…
No further “differentiation” required…
You could set your watch by these bozos.
“Far-right”? Oh, you mean the Republican Party?
You make a good point on symmetry. However, there really is no symmetry anymore between right and left. Lefties just ain’t bombers, at least not in the last half century. Rightwingers are, dramatically so.(1) Ditto with ricin and other toxins in the mail. For that matter, roving mobs of torch waving, gun brandishing fanatics, men running down people with motor vehicles, bully boys attacking peaceful demonstrators - all the right wing. It’s not a tactic of the left these days. And the rich dudes of the right are much more capable of financing “false flags”, not to mention hired protestors and demonstrators, than the crowdsourced left.
(1) See the quick rundown on Charles Pierce’s political blog, > https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/a24174810/cnn-obama-clintons-bomb-donald-trump/
If they didn’t have conspiracy theories, what would they talk about? They don’t do science. They are allergic to facts.
To me the blame for this rests squarely on trump’s shoulders because he is the one calling the left “deranged mobs”, he is the one calling the media "the enemy of the people, he is the one saying CNN spreads fake news. He is the one who said “Don’t believe your eyes” (paraphrased but yes he literally said that)
This attack on America (thank the Maker none of the bombs hurt anyone) is not a false flag operation. It was directly inspired by trump and I think he should be held to account.
I am not sure even of his humanity since he seems to be missing large chunks of what makes a human.
Thank you for that truth, although rather than symmetry I might say a foolish consistency.
Yesterday was off any chart.
Projection, I’d think. It’s either what they’re doing or what they would do, had they thought of it themselves and had the wherewithal.
The administration could not be doing more to incite violence unless they literally asked their supporters to commit it and when/how.
When are we going to start asking if this is on purpose. Melania’s “be best” trolling makes this next step obvious. It’s like they’ve been planning for violence and already designated her to come out as the denouncer.
If I get home and don’t find a pipe bomb in my mailbox, I’m going to be insulted.
This really could be someone on the left trying to “help” Democrats in hopes that voters will turn against PP and his party. Could be that they thought they could galvanize Democratic voters. That would explain why none of the bombs went off and, fortunately, no one was hurt. It could also be someone on the right hoping to scare Democrats into staying home. Could be that the person thought they could gin up enough fear and confusion to keep Democratic voters home.They already think of liberals as being the terrified, feckless ones. It may take days or even weeks before we understand this person’s motivation. Either way, both scenarios seem equally plausible.
Or drop all the pearl clutching over college students and activists yelling things at the people taking away healthcare and caging babies?
Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure the editors and producers of the major outlets don’t care enough if some of their reporters get killed to make necessary changes to accurately report what is happening.
Still quite dead.
O I think you’re terribly wrong about that.
[quote=“old_curmudgeon, post:112, topic:79490, full:true”]
If I get home and don’t find a pipe bomb in my mailbox, I’m going to be insulted
[/quote]As a member of the Angry Democrat Mob I can tell you we’re quite busy. We probably can’t get to you until the weekend at the earliest. So, be patient.
People are saying.
This will all get resolved as soon as someone figures out who did it.
Not that this will change the narrative for some accusers. They’ll hang on to their narrative to the end of their days, much like the moon landing hoax folks continuing to insist it all took place on a Hollywood sound stage (trust me, I know one of these people).
I go by the tried-and-true addage: “He who smelt it, dealt it”.