We know one thing for certain, God did not take her!!!
Sadly, about 40 years to late to avoid damage.
Didn’t know who she was, now that I do, I’m kinda glad she’s gone. What a horrible example of a human being. “My achievements in life were all in denying the rights of others… ah, how wonderful!”. Horrifying. It seems like she was a real life version of the fictional Dolores Umbridge, only much worse.
Ding dong!
As Clarence Darrow once said, I read her obituary with great satisfaction. The harm she and her ilk have done to this nation is incalculable. Mercifully, for us, her death, like Scalia’s, signals the beginning of what one can only hope is a mass extinction event for conservatism.
Phyllis Schlafley was a very mean-spirited person – especially toward LGBTQ people (she has a gay son) and women who fought for their civil rights, divorce and choice, etc. She was a horrible example of what a holier-than-thou b/witch who looked down her nose at others, wagged her finger and pontificated her religious beliefs onto everyone else. I’m sorry she suffered from cancer–that is a nasty way to go–but I shed no sad tears she’s gone, only joy that that particular era in American politics and culture is dying. Good fucking riddance to her.
Who’s left to advocate for the good parts of sexism? I mean, other than Republican men?
As I said about Antonin Scalia, I regret that Phyllis Schlafly was ever in a position where a great many people would care one way or another about her mortality.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
My condolences to her family. That’s the best I can do.
A disturbed woman which the GOP adored. Of course.
No crocodile tears here for a spiteful hypocrite who used her privilege to deny others their rights.
My condolences to her family and friends.
But thank fucking god our long national nightmare is over.
Heard the news on the way to work today. I almost swerved off the road, it really shocked me. I had heard her a couple of weeks ago as a guest on the Thom Hartman radio show. I had no idea she was sick.
Any woman who advocates against them having rights I have no use for. I found this person to be hateful. One good thing was that she lived long enough to see gay people finally attain the right to marry.
Well, it hopefully signals the beginning of “change” for conservatism. Whether it’s for the better or worse, who knows. Or whether it’s enough for it to join the rest of the other Parties that have come and gone.
I think 2010 and the Tea Party was the beginning of the end for them. A mortal blow, if you will. But it’s 2016, and the Republican Party is still very strong (they control both chambers of Congress) and limping along. So I’m not sure if this is a dead man walking scenario, or just an ICU case that will eventually get better.
I’m kinda hoping it’s a dead man walking scenario and the Tea Party + Trump was the death knell. But I’m horrified about what might be birthed from the ashes of that particular toxic waste dumpster fire.
I thought of the Bette Davis quote (adapted): “You should never say bad things about the dead, you should only say good . . . Phyllis Schlafly is dead. Good.”
The interview with her “successor” on NPR this morning was hilarious. “She wrote a book called An Echo Not a Choice… I mean A Choice Not an Echo.” Freudian slip much?
And what was it with her forcefully claiming that women were only allowed to raise children and that men should be the only ones allowed in public then turns around and spends her whole life in the public sphere? Do as I say, not as I do.
Remove all the bullshit; put a tiny wooden stake through what’s left; and bury the remains in a matchbox.
There are no good parts of sexism but to answer your question, Ann Coulter.
I hate to speak ill of the dead but the fact that this woman professed that marital rape didn’t exist was probably one of her more odious beliefs…and there were many.
Coulter is a woman? Good to know.