Discussion: Famed Evangelist Billy Graham To Get Rare Tribute Under The Capitol Rotunda

It’s a shame his children, especially Franklin, have tarnished his legacy with their Prosperity Gospel blasphemy. May he rest in peace.

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Billy Graham was nothing more than a religious extremist who schemed with Nixon to demonize Jews and other non-christianists. He’s just another in a long line of hucksters who lied to children, conned people out of money and cozied up to the worst snakes in politics. His legacy is just as bad as Falwell’s, Dobson’s, Tilton’s, Swaggart’s, and all the other con men who depend on credulous, vulnerable people to pour millions into their ministries.


Ugh. But maybe he belongs there with all the other faux religious types. He sucked up to them; they sucked up to him.




I can’t be the only one that finds this deeply offensive. Ugh.


I wish I knew in advance. I could have rearranged my schedule and done up a nice protest sign.

I just watched a full military guard carry his snake oil selling ass up the Capital steps. What happened to separation of church and state?


I made this comment before, but it bears repeating: his very standing in which every President since Truman, sought his public benediction was to me an abrogation of the First Amendment.

And then to accord him a public repose at the Capitol’s Rotunda is again an abridgment of the First Amendment’s separation of Church and State. This is to me beyond maddening.


I wouldn’t be surprised if his son Franklin was there shaking down elected officials for his charity.

A vicious homophobe. We can’t get Congress to outlaw discrimination against me and my fellow LGBT citizens, but they’ll let Graham lie in state. Some days I really wish I had dual citizenship with some other country…

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Oh he would be so thankful and proud
If he wasn’t dead.
Trump uses dead guy to feed his base more red meat.
Not surprising at all.