Discussion: Factory Employee Being Fired Fatally Shoots 5 Co-Workers In Illinois

“It’s a shame that mass shootings such as this have become commonplace in our country. It’s a shame that a cold and heartless offender would be so selfish as to think he has the right to take an innocent life,” Aurora Mayor Richard C. Irvin said.

Right. It’s such a shame.

Award for the most mealy mouthed, “oh well” statement of the year so far.


Laser sights assure quick precise frugal placement of each shot, so a relatively low capacity weapon can be as murderous as a bullet spraying assault weapon. They are sold in the name of self defense, natch.


For many people losing their job can be a tragic, life changing event certain to cause them a great deal of stress and financial duress, at least in the short term. It can ruin marriages, trash credit ratings and become a downward spiral into hell.
Yet many corporate HR departments dismiss employees with no more care, empathy or caution than one would show when flushing dead pet goldfish down the toilet.


The tree of firearms-industry profits thirstily drinks the blood of innocents.


One thing you can bet on, the families of these shooting victims will not be used by Trump at his speeches or rallies.


Police said they did not know the gunman’s motive.

They are a pretty unimaginative bunch. 15 year employee gets fired, no clue what set him off. Also there is the “gunman” aspect, a “slingshotman” is way less lethal.


No, this event will be cited as proof every adult that draws a breath should be packing a gun, everywhere they go.


The gunman’s mother, who met with Aurora police Friday evening, said her son had been laid off recently and was “stressed out,” according to the Chicago Sun-Times. “He was way too stressed out,” said the woman, who declined to give her name before embracing relatives outside the Aurora police station and leaving Friday evening.

Yep, let’s keep cutting mental health care funding, or having a safety net for the working poor…


I expect that Dana Loesch and Wayne Lapierre will try to keep a low profile on this one. We need better gun control legislation and their source of rubles is drying up. Best they express t’s & p’s for the victims and then just stfu.



The Mayor doesn’t have a whole lot of power in this situation. Not sure what he can really do. The GOP feels no shame about any of this, so yeah, fairly ineffective, but if he’d said his real feelings, the MSM would have said he was distraught and didn’t know what he was saying.

This topic is a hot button and it never ends well, because here we are again.


Anyone heard from either of them lately? They’ve been mercifully silent for sometime.

Think that the Mueller investigation might be getting to close to the NRA’s money-laundering activities during the 2016 election?


One day coroners will be listing the cause of death as “natural” when caused by a gun.



The White House said President Donald Trump was briefed on the shooting and monitoring the situation as he prepared to depart for a weekend trip to his home in Palm Beach, Florida. Trump tweeted his thanks to law enforcement officers in Aurora and offered his condolences to the victims and their families. “America is with you,” he said.

Newest case study for addition to The Mask of Sanity, still the leading American study on Sociopathic /Psycopathic personality disorder. For a new Chapter on Empathy, or lack thereof in Sociopaths.


On a more positive note now Sarah HS can prove that the trade wars are working to keep employees on the job: “Good News! Human Resources reports next month’s layoff list has just been reduced by 5 positions.”


There is an early Ruben Blades when he was with Willie Colon’s band song about a plantation worker named Camilo Manrique who died after being beaten with cudgels and the Coroner wrote “death by natural causes”. The refrain was something like, yep, it is pretty natural to die after something like that.


…Donald Trump was briefed on the shooting and monitoring the situation as he prepared to depart for a weekend trip to his home in Palm Beach, Florida. Trump tweeted his thanks to law enforcement officers in Aurora and offered his condolences to the victims and their families. “America is with you,” he said.

Wow! That will certainly comfort the loved ones left behind. If only a wall had been built around the store where the shooter got his weapon.

Happy golfing Donnie!


Time to build a wall to keep out the murderous MAGA45 gang members.