Discussion: Fact-Checking The Duggars' Deceptive Fox News Interview

Discussion for article #237162

  the report stated that the detective on the case got a voicemail from Jim Bob Duggar informing him that his son would not come in for the interview. The final item in the report shows the detective attempted to contact Jim Bob Duggar about Josh's interview on Dec. 20, 2006 to no avail.

Clearly Jim Bob was covering for his son by ignoring the police. He’s a worthless scumbag.


Finally, someone is asking the right questions.


There are far more then 3 glaring inconsistences, let’s address the statement one of the victims was the babysitter, if Josh was 14 why the need for a babysitter? "You watched him all the time, even while you were pumping out more kids? Or my favorite statement “as parents, you are not mandatory reporters” but one of the victims wasn’t your child, so did you inform those parents?
This was not an interview at all, it was a pity party for the Duggers. Megyn Kelly and Fox should be ashamed (but won’t be).


Cultist Freaks.


It’s obvious the Duggars care less about their daughters’ abuse than they do about protecting the perpetrator, which is consistent in the twisted religious world they live in where men and boys matter, women and girls don’t. Worse, they’ve reduced what he did to “improper touching”, in the real world a euphemism for molestation.


I’m only shocked that FOX didn’t promote this “interview” with FOX bunny/news reader Kelly as: “Liberals Attack Godly Duggar Family’s Sex Education Program.”

In the end, Josh Duggar committed a crime, repeatedly, and his parents covered it up. They should all be in jail.
One of the most glaring and disturbing elements in all this is that the MSM was too busy covering ‘real news’ like ‘Granny Panties’ and ‘Soccergate’ to be much bothered by this scandal involving this cult of a patriarchial and dominionist “Christian” family that has ties to some of the leading conservative social and political figures in this country. It was left to, of all places, “In Touch Weekly” to do the investigative work. Unbelievable and embarrassing at the least.


All the girls and the mother have long hair, wonder if it’s part of the cult’s requirements.



But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.
_____1 Corinthians 11: 15

I have no doubt that this is probably the genesis of the practice for these sanctimonious creeps.


What is going on at The Learning Channel - TLC? They seem to host a lot of these right wing bigot based and ignorant based shows.

Is TLC owned by the Koch brothers, Mike Huckabee (Huckleberry hound dog), or perhaps Fox?

The more religious and the more Republican they are, the more skellatins they are hiding and covering up in their closets.

What is with Arkansas?..they are a bunch of homophobes and yet those homophobes are the complete perverts and liars.


Indeed! It seems TLC now stands for Touching Little Children:


They ain’t a single thing normal about these people. Keep digging and the sick shit will surely surface.

Also, to Palin and her worshipers: Fuck you for defending a pedophile.


Christian Counseling and Homeschool Program Embraced By Duggars Funded By Hobby Lobby


I love the irony of the investigative work done by a magazine called “In Touch Weekly” perfect.


It is the parents that should be under the gun now. They should not have a program where they get to push their moral agenda on people when they have no grounds to preach to others.


"When Kelly later asked the couple about the molestation incidents that occurred while victims were awake, Jim Bob Duggar said “they didn’t really understand, though, what happened.” His wife added that "they probably didn’t even understand that it was an improper touch.

I find the last sentence so bad because it sums up the Duggar approach to child-raising. WHY DIDN’T the girls know it was an “improper touch”? Good parents are very quick to alert even a small child about “touching” and what is proper and what isn’t.


The Duggars have about as much credibility as Lance Armstrong. The main difference is that Armstrong, despite drugs, was actually an accomplished athelete that beat aggressive cancer and raised millions for cancer research. The Duggars claim to fame is out of control breeding and grifting.


Jeimmebobby continues with the Nuremberg Defense.

The Loining Channel.


I do wonder if this reaction is because the camel’s nose is under the tent.