Discussion: Facebook Gave Electronics Makers Access To Tons Of Users’ Personal Data

How about a class action suit on behalf of millions of Americans to put them out of business?


I suppose people could just not use Facebook. But then they wouldn’t know what their friends were having for lunch. Which of course is incomprehensible to contemplate.


In the vacuum, something else would take its place. Right now any alternative dies in the crib.

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and the cute cat videos
What about the cat videos!
Oh the humanity!


Get off social media.
Blow up your TV.
Subscribe to a couple of newspapers.
Eat a lot of peaches.
Register people to vote.

If Myface and other social media-types gave your data away it is because YOU let them.


The FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection is now run by a lawyer who used to represent Facebook.

This will get swept under the rug in 5, 4, 3,…

And so-and-so had a baby. WTF? Call me when the kid graduates high school and college, I’ll send them some money. Otherwise why the hell any sentient adult cares their sister’s best friend’s niece had a damn kid is unfathomable. Children really need to remain out of sight and out of the way until they’re about 40.

We need a way to slow down all those data harvesting snakes without having to shitcan all of it. I don’t miss paying bills by snail mail or balancing a checkbook by hand, one bit.

Ya gotta point pilgrim. This “given over 60 device makers access to users’ friends’ data without obtaining consent” is news to me, but I’ve been saying for years that this notion of privacy of data is pure horse shit.

I saw privacy begin to erode way back in the 1960s when I worked for an insurance co. In those days personal info was kept at the Orwellian-sounding “Central Index Bureau” on – yes, 3 x5 cards. If you ever filed an insurance claim for personal injury, your name went into that file. .

Or better yet, make every user a shareholder and so spread the wealth because UserData is the basis of much of the company’s value.

Abuse of data is, of course, wrong and unethical. But, this is a “takes two to tango” issue. People who use FB are willingly participating in this “scandal”. Just delete your FB account and be done with it. Pretty easy, really.

Two office mates are at the lunch table. One opens his lunch box and…

Worker 1: Damn, peanut butter and jelly again
Worker 2: Ask your wife to make something else for you
Worker 1: I make my own lunch

I find it truly amazing the extent that so many people are willingly giving out their privacy. But yet, I still think we need to hold the Tech companies accountable as well.

I was hopeful in reading about Amazon’s little issue with the home spying device recording a homeowner’s private conversation that maybe enough people might start taking these issues more seriously. How much more awakening do people need?

People might want to enlighten themselves on how nefarious Jeff Bezos is.

Don’t you dare touch my cute cat videos!

(Truth be told, I get all of my cute cat videos on YouTube.)