Is America’s cold civil war getting warmer?
No democracy, no justice.
The postal service is investigating.
Soros is such a good employer that his staff moves bombs away from his properties before they call the police.
Well, after all, this is a woman the President of the United States regularly proclaims should be sitting in jail. Some patriot is just trying to spare her the ignomy of wearing an orange jumpsuit.
Well, I’m sure this and the Soros bomb are, like, totally unrelated to each other. It was probably one of those Muslim terrorists traveling with that murderous migrant caravan from that shithole Central American country who sent the bombs in order to stage a “false flag” operation, because the Trump supporters would NEVER do anything against the Clintons or that Jewy Soros guy who is funding the destruction of American life as we know it!
Amazon delivers bombs, but only to Republicans.
There goes that left wing mob again.
In any other administration this person would be found. Now?
Don’t hold your breath.
Thanks donald.
Ya know trump, it would go a long way if you’d tone down the stupid and tell your rabid followers that mail bombs are uncool and merit visits from humorless men in dark suits.
Gee, what harm could there possibly be with the President of the United States leading throngs of people in chants of “Lock Her Up” and referring to her as “Crooked Hillary”?
I’m sure very soon now Trump will issue a tweet that he’s appalled by this event and the person responsible is despicable and will be arrested.
Oh geez, that was a good one!!!
Soros and now Clinton. That narrows the list of suspects down to about 40 million.
----> Oh, wait… actually Trump said that about Hillary’s picks. <-----
Donald Trump Suggests ‘Second Amendment People’ Could Act Against Hillary Clinton
Mr. Trump warned at a rally here that it would be “a horrible day” if Mrs. Clinton were elected and got to appoint a tiebreaking Supreme Court justice.
“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”
And yet, Democrats are the angry mob the poor victimized Republicans have to beware of.
Yeah, angry about shit like this … and the fucking moron and his enablers who are causing it and urging his followers on to ever more hate and violence.
They’re going to find the person or people who did this, and I will bet the pot farm that they don’t have a “D” after their name(s) - well, except in the FoxNews report on the arrest, of course.
Guess the angry mob ran out of NPR tote bags.
And if this plays out in the press anything like the Soros bomb did yesterday all the major news outlets will ‘balance’ the story about this with 50% of the time talking about liberals yelling at GOP politicians so as to appear ‘non-biased’ and they’ll make the whole story about “both sides” just as conservatives want.
It’s decades beyond time for liberals and the Dems to go at the press for it’s conservative bias! One of the biggest hurdles the Dems have is the lack of a long term media strategy.
I’d appreciate a link to a Soros bomb story that fits that description.