Discussion: EXCLUSIVE: Read James Comey's Notes On His Meetings With Donald Trump

“He began by joking that I was getting more publicity than he”

This is where Comey committed the cardinal sin.


The “golden showers thing,” eh?

Yeah, that totally never happened. The fact that he even said “golden showers” isn’t a tell. Not at all. Nope. Never happened. Totally never happened.

By the way, can you please do an investigation to prove it never happened?


Christ. I’m glad I just got reading glasses. These scans are terrible.


Yeah, I think this will definitely help the Republican sycophants.


Right?? That was exactly my first thought. What a bunch of stupids they are.


Time from provision by FBI to Congress to leak: 8.4 seconds.


Oh dear lord, I’m too tired tonight! Going to need the Josh synapsis :roll_eyes:


Donald seems like such an upfront and nice guy. ~cough, gag, gasp~


So I’m sure both sides will spin the contents to validate their respective POV. Of more interest to me anyway is the question of whether or not DOJ hung on to them until the last moment realizing it likely would be a big dud for the obstructioning treasonweasels like the Nunes memo.


Too tired tonight, but I look forward to going through them at my leisure tomorrow. Great work, TPM.


Somewhat OT but what the hell.

Re Josh’s post about why Cohen may not be counting on a pardon from Dear Leader, how about this possibility: Cohen knows what is in his files that the Feds now have, and knows that once that all comes out, his buddy Donny probably will no longer be in a position to pardon him.


2/8/17 - Priebus “Do you have a FISA order on Mike Flynn?”


Edit to add:

The answer is redacted but it seems likely the answer was “yes”. So they found out Flynn was being recorded and fired him 5 days later. There appeared to be consternation about Flynn’s judgement, probably because his overtures to Kislyak had been exposed, and the FISA warrant made Flynn’s presence untenable.

Of course we all know it was the imaginary fib to Mike Pence that was the true infraction.


Le’s see – 01/28/17, bottom of p.3, Drumpf ventures that, “he has serious reservations about Mike Flynn’s judgement.”
Why’s that? According to the account on p.4, it was because ***** had been the first to call Drumpf to congratulate him on his inauguration and Flynn had arranged for another call in six days . Drumpf didn’t even learn of it until four day’s later, while he was toasting Teresa May and praising her for being the first to call.
ETA: Coincidentally, ‘Putin’ fits in that space and seems in keeping with Trump’s characterization of the caller. I’d imagine this kinda exercise goes some way towards explaining why evidence in an ongoing investigation didn’t used to be released.


Rachel just asked Comey about that. He said he answered the question, then tried to explain to Priebus how communications between the WH and the FBI are supposed to work. But Priebus didn’t seem to get the point.

  1. Congratulations to TPM and Josh on this scoop, which I will now read.

  2. The main point, in broader terms, is that this leak was presumably designed to save Rosenstein. The GOP has been demanding him to do something he can’t do–disclose to them the Comey memos even though they’re evidence in an ongoing investigation and subject to DOJ rules of nondisclosure–and to sanction him for failing to do it, thereby giving Trump a pretext for replacing him. Now that the Comey memos have been leaked, there’s no need for Rosenstein to produce them, or no harm if he does. They’ll have to come up with another reason to sanction him. Foiled again.
    Update: I got this wrong. The memos were leaked after DOJ produced them to Congress. See @ghost comment for the right facts.


"I said I was eager to find leakers and would like to nail one to the door as a message. I said something about it being difficult and he replied that we need to go after the reporters, and referred to the fact that 10 or 15 years ago we put them in jail to find out what they know, and it worked. He mentioned Judy Miller by name.

I explained that I was a fan of pursuing leaks aggressively but that going after reporters was tricky, for legal reasons and because DOJ tends to approach it conservatively. He replied by telling me to talk to ‘Sessions’ and see what we can do about being more aggressive."


Multiple conversations and he raises the subject himself and tries to explain the impossibility that such a tape could exist.

The fucking thing is real. No doubt whatsoever.


Wait, I thought ‘golden showers’ involving peeing on someone. Who alleged that?

Although we have mostly suspected the tapes had to have something more than ‘some women peeing on a bed while Trump looked on’, because honestly that doesn’t really seem important enough to care about, considering other stuff that came out about Trump.

But them peeing on Trump would be be Bad. Not particularly because it’s worse in any sense, but because a) Trump would think it would make him look weak, and b) Trump’s supporters would, indeed, think it made him look weak.

And before anyone says ‘But he’s a germophobe’…I remind everyone of the popular misconception that urine is sterile. Some germophobes have a problem with urine, some do not. (Urine is not, in fact, technically sterile, although it’s got such a different pH from your mouth that drinking it is unlikely to infect you with anything. Stuff that can live in urine generally cannot live in your mouth.)


tRump: “Because I have been very loyal to you, very loyal, we had that thing, you know.”

Where’d he learn to talk that?

“That thing” > “Our thing.” >“Cosa nostra.”

It all reads as Comey has related. Is it going to change any cult member’s minds? Nope.

Meanwhile Meuller and crew are following the money and digging through Cohen’s dirty laundry, and that’s where the real “thing” is lurking.

What’s @antisachetdethe doing tomorrow?