If that were the case, and they were being honest, they wouldn’t have released their report or would have at least included a footnote. They released this report specifically for propaganda purposes and you’d have to be completely blind to not see that.
Edit: And as long as we’re keeping score. Republican healthcare plan insured since implementation: Zero
You really are stuck in a right wing noise bubble aren’t you? The estimated number of people previously uninsured who are now insured as of last month 9.6 million. Oh and the deadline of March 31st was extended once, not time and time again.
These numbers will get treated like they are gospel because the GOP said they were. Not that the actual data says something different when the numbers for April and May are included.
So here’s the question: do Republicans think its okay to manufacture data to support a pre-determined conclusion because that’s what liberal so-called “scientists” do, or do they think that’s what scientists do because its what they do?
More than 90% of Americans have not paid their June electric bills. Surely the power industry is doomed and we will all be living in cold caves. Oh, wait. They are not due yet. Sorry.
This is the same party that straight up cooked poll numbers to show Romney winning. So much so that Romney didn’t even bother with a pre-written concession speech. The GOP is the cargo cult of politics. They see it working for the other side and think all they need to do is emulate what the other side is doing, all the while completely misunderstanding the underlying mechanism as to how it works. Then it all comes crashing down on them and we all get to laugh.
Yeah, true. But I’m asking about the chicken and egg problem. We all know they’ve been increasingly living in a mass-psychotic post-factual deconstructionist universe since the 1990s But is their belief that everyone else makes up facts too a cause or an effect?
IMO I’d guess it’s an effect of decades long catering to anti-intellectualism. Reality itself tends to have a liberal bias, so they’ve long since chased away anybody who actively uses real science and analysis to formulate conclusions about the world (the term “pointy-headed professor” comes to mind). So now all they’re left with are their own “experts” that honest-to-God probably do believe all numbers are cooked. The global warming debate is a great example of this.
The problem is the GOP report will generate a headline, while the correction will generate a page 6 byline sized correction. Until the traditional media fact checks things before making them a headline, the GOP misinformation campaign will continue to be effective.
If you don’t see a problem with how the poll was done and don’t consider it dishonest you really ought to reconsider posting here. You’re embarrassing yourself.