Discussion: EXCLUSIVE: Dem Leads In New Poll Of Hotly Contested Pennsylvania House Race

I don’t really understand why the DCCC does not help Lamb. Huge push for Osoff in Georgia, and then almost nothing in races like this one… I don’t get the strategy there. This is at least as potentially winnable as that Georgia race was.

Yep…I made a point of transcribing it off of video so that I couldn’t be accused of providing fake news :grin:

This is after he challenged one of the workers to arm wrestle, after he had introduced the worker to talk at the podium. (This guy was built like a Mac Truck.)

It was all pretty appalling.


Anyone else get the sense that Trump’s entire steel schtick is all for the benefit of this special election?

steel steele steal, its all the same to Trump and his rabid acolytes.

Ironic to the rest of us.


Calm down, now. Great news, but the last three polls (Lamb up 3, Saccone up 3, Lamb up 4) average out to a 1.3 percent Lamb lead — well with in any margin. Plus, this is a special election — notoriously difficult to guess at turnout.

I’m hoping Lamb’s up going away. But perhaps you should replace the “are” in “Democrats are on the verge of a major upset victory deep in Trump country” with “may be”?

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It’s this race…AND Russia. Steel Tariffs Vs. Steele Dossier.


My impression is that Lamb doesn’t want DCCC help. His candidacy is predicated on showing independence from national Dems.

I think we learned in Georgia Sixth that national Dem spending in reddish districts can backfire. Even if Lamb didn’t win, one of the sweet spots here is how much money the GOP has had out to pay out to TV stations on this race. That alone brings a smile to my face. :blush:


Crush Trump and those who abet him.

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That struck me, too, maybe he discerned some “attitude” that needed dealt with in one of the people props? Trump gets trivial with the best of them. If he ever actually had to deal with a heckler, it might turn into a fistfight before the men-in-black could stop him.


There is an old saying " All politics are local".

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The best one was when he told one of the steelworkers that his father was looking down from heaven and smiling…

and the man is still living.

OMG. What a buffoon.


Just because a Republican said something and you have tape of it, doesn’t mean it isn’t fake news. See Tenney, Claudia and Hoekstra, Peter.


Aaaaaw, is the magical tariff game not working?


Lamb asked not to get DCCC support, and he bashes Saccone all the time for being supported more by out of state interests than by locals.


While this is true, please keep the following in mind:

White fright drove their economic anxiety. It was not what the MSM and “conventional wisdom” spewers want to paint it as. Rather, it was a reactionary culture tantrum after 8 years of a walking talking reminder of ongoing demographic shifts obliterating white majority and control over the country’s culture and government occupying the WH.


I certainly hope Lamb wins. But I don’t see the great significance whether he does or not. Under the new redistricting plan, the 18th district would become even more Republican, and Lamb would not even live within the boundaries of that district. The fall elections are the entire ballgame, and the results in this special election seem to bear on them in only a minor way.

The more important news will be if Alito decides to strike down the new redistricting map. He is taking his time on this decision, and I don’t know what that means.

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that’s why only a bit and not a lot.

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Irrelevant. A Representative does not have to live in the district he represents, just within the state. The Constitution says so.

I was something of a bear in 2016, but I’m very bullish on the Blue Wave. Lamb wins. And if he doesn’t, a new PA map for November will more than compensate.


I hope RABA is right, but as I recall from the 2016 election, they are a new outfit and they were way off the mark in their presidential prediction in 2016. Maybe my recollection is wrong… or maybe they have gotten better. Hope it’s the latter, not the former.

Doug Jones got his help under the radar too. Worked out pretty well for him.