Discussion: Ex-Staffer: Wisconsin GOPers Cheered Voter ID Bill For What It 'Could Do For Us’


Time for the DOJ to step up and charge file a suit.


It is often said that “evil flourishes when good men do nothing”.

If you want a better life for yourself and your children; for your country and posterity, please vote. Democracy only works if you participate. A Handful of misogynists, racists, homophobic, know nothings are NOT representative of American Values.


Watching the the Wisconsin Primary on TV I definitely noticed that Democratic districts had long lines. Republican districts had no lines. It was glaringly obvious what was going on. I felt like I was watching a phony election in Russia… It was hard to believe it was going on here in America, right under our noses.


‘What I am interested in is getting results here and using the power
while we have it, because if the Democrats were in control they would do
they same thing to us, so I want to use it while we have it,’

If your job is that you work for the Democratic party, or are a Democratic politician, you should read this quote every morning when you wake up. And to borrow some language from Sen. Cruz:

Radical Republicanism is at war with us. For over seven years we have had a Democratic party who refuses to acknowledge this reality. And the truth is, we can never hope to defeat this evil so long as we refuse to even name it. That ends soon, when we start to name our enemy – radical Republican terrorism. And we will defeat it.


The point of articles like this is that basically, it won’t matter. The Republicans will try everything to stop you from voting, then from having your vote count if you do actually vote.


We elect people to do this. Who is to blame? Wisconsin failed to recall Walker. It deserves to become the new South Carolina.


US Citizens died to earn the right to vote? Are we heading back to those dark and bloody days once again as the Republicans and the rich attempt to rig everything against the bottom 90%?

Obama and his DoJ has done one heck of a job…but that’s what happens when Democrats check their spine at the door and are sucked in to believing you can work with Republicans. Obama is such a fool…but we are the one’s who are paying for it.

Hillary will be more of the same except that she is a Republican at heart…loves taking all that money from the big banks, the big defense industry contractors and especially all that money from Exxon-Mobil and the giant fossil-fuel companies. Hillary is also a good friend of the Koch Brothers.

I just hope Bernie wins and proves to be a strong leader that Republicans come to FEAR…because that is the only thing they seem to understand.


Hans von Spakovsky must be orgasmically pleased with himself.


They say they are fighting against Democrats, but the truth is they are fighting against Democracy. They will never represent the majority of voters and so must jack the elections.


The “someone” being students, our children.

Obviously, Republicans have plenty of time to do some work.


It’s truly disgusting that one of the two major parties in this republic cheer on and work feverishly to keep American citizens from exercising their right to vote…and hypocritically under the guise of solving a voter fraud problem that doesn’t exist. Some people have compared these GOPig laws to the Salem witch hunts but you don’t have to go back that far. The analogies to the Jim Crow laws work just fine.

Republican logic 101: “30,000 gun deaths per year is absolutely NOT proof in any way that we need tighter gun laws or even simple background checks in this country, but ZERO elections swung by voter fraud is proof positive that we need stricter and suppressive voter laws.”


GOP: Right to suppress votes is paramount for our survival, especially as the electorate becomes younger and darker.


Comment on article exposing voter suppression: “It’s the voters’ fault.” Apparently the electorate wore too short of a skirt to the polling station.


“He was immediately shot down by another senator who said, ‘What I am interested in is getting results here and using the power while we have it, because if the Democrats were in control they would do they same thing to us, so I want to use it while we have it,’” Allbaugh said.

Right, as clearly illustrated by all the voter suppression measures passed by Democratic legislatures aimed at Republican constituencies across the country. I mean just look at the Democratic examples from the Wikipedia list of such legislation in the US:


Castor, they can only affect people at the margins. There are so many people who do share our values who could vote but do not, they would overwhelm the effects of these voter suppression laws if they just turned up. In addition, if they had turned up in 2010, there would have been no Republican wave to make these odious laws possible. The people who can vote ought to vote.


Better yet, beat these bastards over the head with this story and hound them out of office in November.


Ah, but to Republicans the very fact that Democrats win elections anywhere is proof positive that there are elections swung by voter fraud. After all no-one in the ideologically sealed bubbles they reside in votes Democrat so obviously the Democrats must be cheating to win anywhere, because in their minds their personal life experience is representative of everyone in the country, which is why they only seem to be able to grasp issues of empathy like LGBT rights or similar when they impact on them or their immediate family.


Nah. It’s now “Mississippi-North”. All the out-state Fudamentalist/Fascist shit-kickers LOVE Snotty Walker. Drive though the state sometime (I do frequently to visit relatives still living there,) you will see how he got elected/re-elected. Nothing but Pro-Walker Billboards, Pro-Walker Signs put up out in the pastures of the farms, and anti-abortion billboards everywhere (Lots of Evangelicals and Catholics in Wisconsin) on the radio there is NOTHING but Right-Wing Hate Shock-Jocks on EVERY channel, everywhere (and Country Music.)
The Democrats have strongholds in Madison and Milwaukee, but that is it. Everyplace else WANTS to be like Mississippi. Remember, this is the state that elected Sen. Joseph McCarthy, and they saw the exact same thing in Ted Cruz and voted for him in droves.


Who would be surprised by this? it has been going on for years and they are getting away with usurping the democratic process. When you have literally no practical ideas that resonate with voters, you have to resort to voter manipulation…ID laws. gerrymandering,reducing early voting,closing polling places.They must all be so very proud that they can ignore the principles of democracy while pretending to "love " America