Discussion: Ex-Speaker DeLay: Religious Liberty Bills About Protecting Beliefs, Not Discrimination

Discussion for article #235108

“This isn’t about discrimination,” DeLay said in an interview with Newsmax. “We love people that have chosen to be African-American. The problem is we abhor the sin. So yes, when I have a business and some black person walks in —unidentified by the way, there’s no way he could tell you— then I’m going to serve him. But if he comes in and asks me to undermine my values, what I believe in —undermine my religious liberty then I have the right to not serve him. It’s not discrimination. It’s the government telling us how we are to act, what we are to believe, and that has got to be fought with every ounce of our being.”


Yes, by all means, please continue with the insanity among all the RWNJ candidates. (And pass the popcorn.)


Convicted Felon says what?


Two things of note:

  1. I don’t desire DeLay’s ‘love.’ Just to be treated equally and fairly in all interactions that are outside the four walls of his place of worship and his home(s).

  2. Malzberg is one creepy-looking dude. Looks like a dead person microwaved to ‘warm.’

Edit: I personally ‘love’ Southern Baptists’ but hate their related actions. I mean, seriously: What a lifestyle choice!!


DeLay is so stupidly delusional that he still believes people choose to be gay.

Who care what this has-been convicted felon says?
Who is giving him airtime to show off his overweening idiocy?


Yes, please don’t try to undermine “Hot Tub” Tom’s values.


DeLay was never Speaker, thankfully.

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‘Speaker of Untruths?’


That “choice” thing isn’t delusion, it’s commercial politics. Bugman has to be seeing this issue as presenting the possibilities of both getting back into conservative politics in some way and making a buck or two.

Regardless, I don’t think we should consider the Tom the Bugman taking up the losing banner here to be at all a bad thing.


All right.

“But if he comes in and asks me to undermine my values, what I believe in —undermine my religious liberty then I have the right to not serve him.”

How does ordering a cake or a cheeseburger undermine your values unless he goes off menu and orders a side of fellatio?


I agree, in that the publicity will be bad for all the wingnuts.

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Why are you convinced that Delay doesn’t really believe this twaddle about “choosing” to be gay?

I’ve never heard of an anti-gay bigot refusing to sell a tank of gas or a bag of Cheetos to a gay guy. I’ve never heard of a movie theater refusing to sell a huge tub of buttered popcorn to a lesbian. What is it about goddamn cake? Would selling pie be OK? How about Ding Dongs or Little Debbies?


“These two governors have shown great weakness but I gotta tell you these candidates…They understood immediately,” DeLay said. “I don’t know of one that has come out against the Religious Freedom Act. And some of them like Santorum, like Huckabee, like Ted Cruz, are showing more strength than the governor of Indiana or the governor of Arkansas.”

It’s real easy to be brave when you’re throwing red meat to the lions.

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“These two governors have shown great weakness but I gotta tell you these candidates…They understood immediately,” DeLay said. “I don’t know of one that has come out against the Religious Freedom Act. And some of them like Santorum, like Huckabee, like Ted Cruz, are showing more strength than the governor of Indiana or the governor of Arkansas.”

“These candidates” know this:

“In our church, the last four cycles we’ve probably had almost 100 percent of our people vote,” said Bill Tvedt, pastor at Jubilee Family Church in Oskaloosa, who has not endorsed a candidate. “In our local county, we control the Republican party pretty much - our church and another church.”


Someone please explain to me why I should care what this shambling mound of corruption in the shape of a man has to say about anything.


I’m still waiting for one of these bigots to publicly state which religion they belong to that believes that discrimination in any form is what the founder of that religion intended.


And this is one of the many reasons why the Republican Party is bound to become a regional party.


I thought we were done with this POS.