Do you think it’s possible that we have standing to apply for a somewhat broader gag order against Trump?
On the other hand, it could mean that the jury just has to be limited to people who never watch fox news.
Let Donald be Donald! Unleash the tweets!
Then this guy will be off the hook. Seems to me that the lawyers are hoping to provoke Donnie so that they can claim unfair trial.
An unfortunate necessity given our infantile president. Some of us are old enough to remember when a president wouldn’t need to be told to STFU about a pending case. Good times.
Now THIS should be interesting . . . .oh yeah!
This might cause some to gag,
A request for a presidential gag.
Bikerdad he opines
“We live in dark times.”
This must be some kind of a gag.
It seems to me that from now on, every single person, company or organization that Trump publicly maligns on Twitter, in press conferences, or when party-crashing Fox shows should immediately file a defamation or slander suit, along with a gag order.
I’d like to put together a “gag fund”, invite large $ donors, and use it to file gag orders every time Trump demonstrably lies, or says things that will clearly cause immeasurable damage to our country, its reputation in the world, and the future of our children’s children.
How about suing the EPA for trying to gut everything we’ve achieved over the past 40 years or more? Clean Water, Clean Air, Clean Earth, Clean Bodies? Reverse all that! We just lost Clean Water. What’s next?
Not to mention the Administration’s ongoing policies of:
- Fuck Climate Change
- Fuck Human Rights
- Fuck Immigrants (aka “infestations”)
- Fuck Net Neutrality
- Fuck Peace In Our Time
- Fuck NATO and the EU
- Fuck Alliances and Treaties
- Fuck International Trade
- Gotta Love Me Some Dictators & Authoritarians/Fascists (e.g. Putin, Erdogan, Orban, Kim, Duterte, and numerous candidates like the extreme right Marine le Pen)
- Gotta Love Me Some Golf!
- Gotta Love Me Some Character Assassination!
But most of all…
- Gotta Love ME!!!
I’m wishing permanent laryngitis on this pathetic excuse for a human being…
This should be part of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.
Seems fair. He makes us gag all the time.
The only “gag” order that would keep Hair Furor’s mouth shut would be a ball-gag … and done VERY tight … LOL
trump has done this his entire life. See the Central Park five.