Discussion: Ex-Rep. Says He Was Kicked Off His Own Radio Show For Using Racial Slurs

Discussion for article #224149

To paraphrase Frank Zappa, Joe Walsh wouldn’t know “an honest conversation” if it came up and bit him in the ass. The Redskins situation has become a cause celebre among RW talkers because it’s “more proof” Obama is “a dictator.”

That said, WIND management should have known what they were going to get when they hired this assclown, and they got it in bucket loads yesterday. Speaking as someone who was in the life for 13 years, I have no sympathy for either party.


Isn’t it great that when a moron gets cut off from one medium of communication, another is at the ready for him to continue to carry the banner of stupidity?


Sounds like that medium may be ready to boot his ass. If Walsh has a meeting with management at 5 o’clock on a Friday, he needs to update his resume ASAP.


Especially if there’s a box in the meeting room that contains the contents of his desk, and a large guy waiting to escort him out.


That’s some resume!

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Joe “you don’t need legs to kick my ass” Walsh shows why.


He’s like a perfect storm of stupid, all the way back to Deadbeat Dad days. Wish he was still in the Grand Old Party of stupid–they can use some more anchors as they drown.


“Found out if I said Redskins or Cracker or Redneck Bible Thumper, I could stay on. But if I said N----r or S—k, they cut me off.”

And now, for $50,000.00, which is the only one of the above used as the name of a professional sports team?


The fact that Joe has been able to eat and breath all these years is proof of what a kind, gentler nation we are.


This guy is the poster child for Tea Party immaturity.


he also misspelled “spic”


They always play the Sarah Palin victim card.


“Found out if I said Redskins or Cracker or Redneck Bible Thumper, I could stay on. But if I said Nigger or Spick, they cut me off.”

Well, you poor oppressed white supremacist…my heart bleeds.

It turns out, Imperial Wizard, that regardless of how oppressed you might consider yourself, no one hung “crackers” or “redneck Bible thumpers” from trees for just looking at women of a different race. And it was the so-called cracker redneck Bible thumpers that were doing the hanging.

But of course, your perennial victimhood at the realization that the future face of America is not a white one precludes you from ever realizing the difference.


Not only that…He kept himself on hold for 40 MINUTES and then had the nerve to go to a commercial seconds after saying hello to himself!!! He’s never listening to his shitty show again!


Indeed … his assertion that he was trying to have an honest conversation is bullshit. He was doing what the right wing does as a core element of their electoral strategy: fan the flames of bigotry, hatred, and fear among white males now feeling the brunt of the economic disaster they have wrought.

So the problem isn’t the American Legislative Exchange Council, the problem is the redsk!ns, n!ggers, sp!cs, women, gays, liberals…you name it…all of whom are threatening what they consider their “traditional” way of life (that is, Anglo supremacy.) And if he can’t freely use those derogatory terms to impugn those people as the cause of America’s problems, he’s the victim of repression.

To which I say: EXCELLENT! Repress the filthy worthless bigoted sonofabitch! Let him buy his own radio station.


pffffffff! :slight_smile:

An honest, adult conversation? Not even close you sociopath.


He should have been taken off the air for being stupid.

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By the way did he ever cough up his back child support payments?