Discussion: Ex-Rep.: Pause 'Rush To Judgement' To Give Northam 'Political Death Penalty'

I will not sit in judgment over the usage of judgement.

ETA: oh - and Gov. Northam - resign already please.

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I will and I do.
@Kate_Riga24, there’s only one ‘e’ in ‘judgment.’


How fucking politically clueless are these guys?

“After all, Anderson, it’s not like anyone found video of him dancing while dressed as Aunt Jemima.”

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"Anderson, it all seems indefensible,” he told CNN’s Anderson Cooper Monday night.

Doin’ good, doin’ good, doin’ good…


Lemme stop you right there.


This situation is hardly a “rush to judgment”. To anyone who is paying attention, it is clear that the judgment was made several days ago. The evidence given to the public, and the bumbling responses, have pretty clearly decided the issue in the public mind.

Don’t like Ralph Northam as governor? Well, if you are not a Virginia voter, shove off. If you are a Virginia voter, we operate under the rule of law, not facebook mob mentality. You can advocate for an impeachment proceeding, or you can wait until 2021 and campaign for someone else to be the duly-elected governor.

In the meantime, best scrub your personal history of anything embarrassing, insensitive or humorlessly insulting because I’m sure there are plenty of PC fools out there to throw stuff from 35 years ago in your face. End of rant.

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“… all of his great-grandchildren, all of the Northams for generations to come, are going to know of Governor Northam as somebody who had to resign out of racism.”

Let’s be clear about this. It’s his own racism, not someone else’s racism.

Who am I to judg?


Either spelling is accepted usage.

Not in my line of work but you can spell it how you’d like.

Like I could give a shit.