Wasn’t that Ollie North’s campaign slogan?
For Grimm, this is no fairy tale. This is life imitating an asshole imitating a politician.
8 months is a hockey season FFS, this dude will be back like a bad penny but I think he’s done. So good riddance to bad rubbish.
In drama and in real life there are sympathetic characters for whom we can feel some compassion.
Others are just fucks for whom it is impossible to drum up even a casual sympathy.
His crazy eyes won’t help him if he goes to a real joint like where me and thee would go if we did half of what this peckerwood did. Crazy eyes there are a dime a dozen. With his tough guy shtick he’ll go in a tight end and come out a wide receiver. The smart thing to do is keep your eyes and your mouth to yourself and do your own time but I just don’t see him doing the smart thing. He hasn’t don’t it yet.
Conservos have a way of recycling bad trash. It’s the only ecological thing they do.
Is that ecology or preservation? As in self preservation. Grimm is one the schmuckiest schmucks out there but there is a market, a spot on the political map for such douchenozzles.
There is plenty of justice. You are entitled to as much justice as you can afford. Ask any public defender. Freedom is not free.
This punk Grimm was in the wrong profession , he should have been a member of John Gotti’s crew.
Grimm reminds me of some one who’s mobbed up, They should have whacked his a$$ for threating a Gambino Capo’s Nephew.
He failed at tax fraud…