Discussion: Ex-Rep. Insists Grab Your 'Musket' Tweet Wasn't Call For Election Day Violence (VIDEO)

I no nothing about muskets, but one of the best guitarists of our time.


I think someone is trying to build a record of plausible deniability for when the investigators knock on his door.


“First off, it’s a musket. Craig, it’s a metaphor. It’s a call to arms,” Walsh said. “Two weeks before, I tweeted the same thing. No matter who wins, I’m grabbing my musket. Whether Trump wins or not, there’s millions of Americans that are pissed off at both political parties.”


By “musket”, he meant “cock”.

Walsh is such a jag-off.


Arms are guns, too. You can’t argue sense with a dunce.


Republicans are always bitching about a lack of transparency by politicians. They say they want straight talk. They don’t want lies. Do what you say and say what you do. Keep your promises. Let the voters know you mean what you say.
Yet all the damned time they make statements that interpreted according to the laws of the English language have a plain meaning or intent. But somehow we’re supposed to divine their spoken words do not in any way mean what a student of the English language would understand them to mean. Everybody wants to take their pronouncements far too literally they complain. Pronouncements from politicians that decry the lack of truthfulness and transparency on the part of politicians.


“Okay, fine. Then take me literally. Why the hell would I advocate anybody to grab a musket? Nobody can find a musket anywhere,” Walsh said. "I challenge you to find a working musket.


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Well, he didn’t challenge you to literally find a working musket. He meant find a musket in the figurative sense.

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My father owns one and I’ve shot one. I wasn’t dressed in 1776 garb though.


Yep, grab your gun shouted to wingers didn’t really mean grab your gun! Any winger would know that!


“It’s us against elites, and if the billionaire doesn’t win I’m gonna be pissed.” Huh? I keep seeing that damn picture of Trump and Bill Clinton and Rudy Giuliani at Joe Torre’s fundraiser (and Torre’s charity appears to be a truly worthwhile one, good for him) ain’t that palling around with elites?


Go splain how your death threats were just joking to the judge.

What he meant to say, but knows he’s not allowed to say, is “fucking brown people AAAAAAAAAAAARGLE BAAAAARGLE!@!@!!!”

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Walsh is SUCH a reprehensible twit. Thankfully, the voters in Illinois understood that and only sent him to DC for one term…why some ‘media’ thinks he should be ‘quoted’ boggles the imagination.

asshat (noun) See Walsh, Joe

Louie Gohmert has been elected to six consecutive terms in the U.S. House and he’s Joe Walsh level stupidity squared. The media gladly quotes his every utterance.

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Whatever they grab, it’s always a metaphor for genitalia…

Isn’t musket the same thing as a gun? And is it just me or is this guy borderline stupid?