Discussion: Ex-Employee Fined $1,000 For Trashing Worker's Office With Glitter

Discussion for article #243227

She had been working for Summit County when police say in January she smashed photos, threw glitter and sprayed Silly String in the office after sending a resignation notice.

Um, I think the resignation notice was redundant. I almost expected to read she then asked for a letter of recommendation in the next paragraph.

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TPM, why are you trying to become Huffington Post?
She destroyed a computer, etc… and you write the headline as if she was fined DUE TO GLITTER.

Why are you tossing your journalistic credibility away for cheap clicks?


…and she thinks Trump is a paragon of virtue.

Is this a policy piece or coverage of the House?

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and this story is worthy of real estate on TPM’s site because…?

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because it is funny. Next question.