she mad
Kanye shrug
Ya think?
And since she probably had a big hand in how this convention has gone, she has a right to be rather annoyed.
Sorry, Debbie. The moment called for someone to fall on their sword. What you did wasn’t at all bad, but they were screaming for your blood.
So, you are right: Fuck them!
Keeping it classy on the way out the door sighs
She’s not wrong. The people waging their little battles on twitter likely do only that, while the rest of us, including DWS, are out actively pushing Democratic party principles (which includes liberal, progressive and conservative Democrats). I think she was ok as head of the DNC (did better than Tim Kaine!) but wow, was she bad as a public persona when speaking on behalf of the Democratic party. Glad she’s gone, but I suspect much of the hate directed towards her won’t end, there’s an endless supply of it these days.
Excellent advice Deb!
There’s a sizable amount of folks on the left that are still mad at Rahm(!) so yeah, it won’t ever end.
I don’t blame her for the sentiment she expressed upon exiting. Not one bit.
Puh-lease. Was the video skit last night that beeped out shit and fuck inappropriate? That was to a national audience. Her words were in private to her staff.
Count me as one of the haters, albeit a mild one. Not because of Bernie. I couldn’t give a damn about the DNC emails, but because Debbie has run such an ineffectual campaign to get Dems elected. Plus I don’t have a Twitter account.
Well, i guess that includes Harry Reid. She was part of the problem and I dont blame Sanders supporters for some of their irritation with the DNC , especially after reading his quote.
You know, this convention so far is outstanding. Just outstanding.
If that was DWS - I’m with her - fuck the haters. She did a damn good job.
There is a shining examle of professonalism. NOT.
Florida, please remove this person from her position. She is clearly not representing you in a mature fashion.
And they sure stayed public, didn’t they? Here we are less than 24 hours later reading them.
The emails were private, too.
Its a lesson not learned.
If she wants to vent, and I believe she most definitely wants to and has a valid need to, do it with only close personal friends in the room. Or, as the old saying goes in D.C…get a dog and bitch to it.
I can’t get too worked up over the use of a pithy phrase that says everything she means in two syllables. I once worked for an attorney who used that word as a verb, noun, adjective, adverb, pronoun and interjections, sometimes using two or three forms in a single sentence. Years later the bluenoses on the Judicial Nominating Commission kept him off the Court of Appeal because his language was too salty for their delicate ears.
Whatever Debbie. Go away happy, go away sad, go away angry – I really don’t care as long as you go away.
I don’t have strong feelings about this little blip, but in general, has anyone here ever regretted keeping it classy, in public or private? I can’t remember regretting that.