Discussion: Ex-Cop Indicted For Using Unreasonable Force That Left Grandfather Paralyzed

Discussion for article #234782

“We are shocked, disappointed and overwhelmed by all the ways Eric Parker is coming under attack”

At least the “attack” against Eric Parker didn’t end up with Parker having to be hospitalized.


“We are shocked, disappointed and overwhelmed by all the ways Eric Parker is coming under attack,” attorney Robert Tuten told the AP by email.

Why? Did someone slam him to the ground and paralyze him too?


Call me a race-card-player, but the thought occurs to me that the melanin quotient in this man’s skin might have been a factor in his treatment by Officer Parker.


This is the rest of the story from NBC News:

"Parker was identified as the officer seen on dash-cam video throwing Sureshbhai Patel to the ground. Patel, who does not speak English, had been visiting his son’s home in Madison when he was stopped after someone called police to report a “skinny black guy” walking around the neighborhood. "

So…it’s not because Mr. Patel is Indian…he had the audacity to impersonate a skinny black guy. After all, the last thing you want skinny black guys doing is walking around the neighborhood. Jeez…they could be packing skittles and tea.


The weird thing about this is that it happened in a suburb of Huntsville, AL. Huntsville is different than your average southern town due to the NASA presence. There are lots of Indian, Pakastani, etc… residents in the area. This cop had to be a first rate idiot.


Is the video available? Are their witnesses?

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The old man clearly had it comin’! You can see it in the film. Walkin’ down the sidewalk looking all brown and mooslimy and brown right there ‘n’ broad daylight.


Fuck Eric Parker and the decrepit nag called racism that he rode in on.


“We are shocked, disappointed and overwhelmed by all the ways Eric Parker is coming under attack,”

Yes, because Eric Parker is the real victim here. Cops are such tough guys and “heroes” to many people - how about Eric Parker strap on his testicles and own up to a dumb fcking mistake. Have some honor, or at least some self-respect.


“…looking forward to seeing the indictment and having our day in court.”


Indicted but will never be convicted Georgia too racist to convict.


Yes, there is a video. Parker slams Patel to the ground without any warning (after he didn’t do whatever he was asked, because he doesn’t speak English), then gets irritated because he can’t get back up. The guy is nuts.


how many other Parkers are there on that force?


This is great that Mr. Patel is seeing justice. This cop was out of control, and I think Mr. Patel should be allowed to sue the 911 caller who facilitated this encounter between Mr. Patel and racist Alabama cops. Saying all that, it is quite sad that black American citizens can’t get the same representation from our U.S. Justice Department. It will be interesting to see if the Justice Department indicts the cop that murdered Tamir Rice.


“Patel has also filed a civil lawsuit against Parker, according to the AP.”

That’s the ticket. Sue the city, too. Sue 'em all --let God sort it out.


Don’t worry about the cop not being able to find work

I read ‘somewhere’ that Arpaio and Cleveland and a town in MO has offered him employment.

*We are shocked, disappointed and overwhelmed by all the ways Eric Parker is coming under attack
That photo above of the guy in intensive care…I take it that’s Eric Parker? 'Cause that’s the only guy I see who came under attack.

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I suppose this is good news for some kind of justice, although 3rd degree assault seems light to me. Had to look it up: 3rd degree is “recklessly” causing harm, while 2nd is “intentionally or knowingly” causing harm. 1st degree is using a weapon.

I would certainly argue the cop “intentionally or knowingly” caused harm with that intentional body slam of an elder.