Discussion for article #222795
And now the fun begins! Bye bye Kristie Kreme
In my opinion only I think that Christy and Wildstein were as thick as thieves. In fact the picture on 9/11 of Christy and Wildstein in my opinion looked like two people who was happy as two pigs in the mud over the bridge closings. My opinion only.
Time for some traffic problems in Chris Christie’s pants.
With all the phony Obama non-scandals – I’d forgotten what an actual scandal looked like.
OK - the question now is whether Christie tries to throw Stepien under the bus. We al;ready know that Christie lied about no one on his staff having prior knowledge - now the question is what did Wildstein do after Stepien told him to go to Trenton…and if Wildstein is thrown under the bus by Christie, will he rat out Christie?
I am not fat just husky.
What is it about this gigantic, humongous, Christie corruption scandal that reminds me of the old Soap Opera, As the World Turns?
Christie’s guilt hasn’t ever really been in doubt. He’s been a dead man walking since before Obamacare was successful. Yes, way back then.
It is rather fun to watch Christie’s people bail one by one and practice the art of spilling their guts without really coming out and saying what they mean.
This gets back to Christie’s dilemma. He’s either (1) a crook, or (2) incompetent. One other possibility is that he’s an incompetent crook.
“I don’t know what’s happening to this country. It used to be that if you threw a politican under the bus he stayed there. Where’s the fuckin’ LOYALTY?”
Time for some traffic problems in Christie’s inbox, and especially his switchboard.
Office of the Governor
PO Box 001
Trenton, NJ 08625
This is a scandal to be sure.
But the even bigger scandal is that Christie has been using federal Sandy relief $ as a slush fund for pet projects, and as a rewards program for loyalty.
IOW, he’s f*cked the citizens of New Jersey. Twice.
So Christie is lying? Who would have thunk it? Ridiculous Obese-ocrity.
If Christie had told the truth on Dec. 13, and revealed that Stepien had admitted to prior knowledge, it would also have come out that Stepien had told Wildstein he would have to run the bridge closure idea through the Governor’s office. So Christie had to lie to preserve the fiction (later disproved anyway) that his own office - and by implication he himself - had nothing to do with it.
The Outlaw Jersey Whale needs to turn in his spurs.
Breaking: Stepien does NOT like the view from under the bus.
Go go gadget circular firing squad!
Uh Oh! Can’t wait for the indictments to start rollin’ out!
drip…drip…drip______It’s just beginning.
Just wait until Bridget Kelly takes her revenge for being smeared as a mentally ill slut.
I can think of many reasons for Christie to lie, but I cannot find any reason for Stepien to lie.
Let’s wait for Stepien to confirm this under oath and see if Kelley will then be brave enough to come forward with her full story.
Even if Sapien’s claim is truthful, it is not illegal to lie to the press.
I don’t know why everyone is trying to take down someone who would surely make the best POTUS of the 20th and 21st Century.