And yet no one on bullshit mountain will go on record to say that Trump is too cray-cray to be President
And yet, as another story shows, several top Republicans are falling over themselves to endorse and defend Trump’s position.
I guess you could say they were stuck in the spin cycle of trumpsplaining.
Ahhh… the poor GOP …
Re-re-re-re whiplash just can’t be ANY fun at all … no sir eee —
For a very long time I have tried to put my finger on what it is about Donald Trump that I find so disturbing. Lots of people have tried to throw a net around what is proving to be a tragic figure of Shakespearean proportions–some of what they have said rings true, some of it just seems mean. Anyway, having seen this third debate, what occurred to me is Donald Trump’s main character flaw is he is, at his core, a graceless human being. He has never suffered. He has never had to cope with set-backs. He has never known grief. None of those experiences are reflected in a single thing he says or does. Grace is what opens the door to empathy–he has none. Grace allows a person to bear humility–he hasn’t a clue what that is. Grace allows the world and people to unfold and become something beautiful–if he can’t acquire or appropriate it, it has no value. Case closed.
Is it possible that Trump is hoping to create enough confusion in the election and among the electors (remember the “popular vote” is not the determining factor) that he might just get this election thrown to the House where the Republicans would elect him???
I’m not sure what you mean by that, but I wonder if the Trump campaign will directly court the electors in the remaining weeks. Fat lot of good it would do, but I wonder.
Wow, a betting site has already paid out on the election results, reported by Sam Wang.
nah, he’s locking down the deplorables. it’s a re-branding for the new trump enterprise. lots of kill hillary hats, tees, and buttons to be sold. buy a trump hate-tweet. grope a pocket pussy. just bidness.
“It’s newsworthy, it’s controversial, it is a big deal.”
A couple of people, even Colbert, have used this word to describe Trump’s answer. What, exactly, is the controversy? Who wants to argue the anti-democracy side here? It seems more “immoral” or “seditious” to me.
That’ll require somebody with at least a modicum of self reflective ability. Trump is way too shallow to ever cut such a figure. He’s the cartoon version of a Shakespearean villain.
Narcissism entitled,so disassociated with what happens at
ground level, that reality is in fact Subjective.
Should scare the shit out of anyone with an objective world view.
And Yes, a total lack of even the concept of Grace.
It is one thing to have embraced every right wing despot that ever was, it’s another to contemplate having to live and work in an America transformed into something resembling an Anglo-Saxon version of Pinochet’s Chile.
A prospect that even frightens the smarter talking heads on Fox News.
It is not that he has never had to cope with failures or set-backs. It is that he has never emotional experienced them. He is without any emotions. He disconnected from normal human feelings.
Say what you will about the inappropriateness of Trump’s insult that Clinton is a nasty woman, it was a terrific impersonation of Alec Baldwin doing The Donald on SNL.strong text
I guess I’ve been paying too much attention, or studied Trump too closely, but I don’t understand the severity of this reaction. He’s been intimating this since the beginning of his official political campaign. To him, this is no different than being the lone GOP holdout to refuse to endorse the primary winner (if it wasn’t him).
Even in defeat, he knows his endorsement or concession gives him some power over whoever vanquished him, so of course he’s going to use it, abuse it, and threaten anyone with it he can. It’s what he always does with any piece of power he’s ever had.
A lunatic has been holding our political system hostage for 15 months, and you just now noticed?!
I’m too young for gray hair, but I can feel the follicles plotting. I look forward to a day when I can remember this election cycle as one where something horrible almost happened. And even though I’ve never been a big Clinton fan, I will forever be grateful for her standing in its way. * Knock on wood *
A majority of states (29) have laws to punish “faithless electors”. Most of those that don’t are states that Trump is likely to carry anyway, notable exceptions being Illinois, New York, and Pennsylvania. Three states not indicated on the map below also have laws against faithless electors: Delaware, Utah, and Tennessee.
                                 States with faithless elector laws (in red)
Too many GOP puppets are still saying that Gore in 2000 rejected the election results.
A lie, of course.
It’s civil war — Americans vs. the Trumpites.
Palin wouldn’t just go away after her defeat either. Yes it was a supremely disqualifying moment for Putin’s privates grabber. He was trying to hold on to his power to be a world class pain in the ass.