Can’t wait for Trump’s early morning tweet on this one.
Et tu Napolitano?..the man who first brought the Putin created urban legend/lie about HRC’s missing 30k emails to the US media? Then fall Trumpster!
His comments were unusually direct. He’s right. The plain meaning of the statute is clear. I’m just surprised that he seemed to have actually read and paraphrased it.
It begs the question: What is Fox’s angle here? I know guys like Wallace are disgusted with this, but Napolitano?
I must be dreaming. I’m on my occasional middle of the night binge on nothingburgers, and here is somethingburger? Nah…
Did Hell just freeze over? Is Trump losing Fox?
Guess some of those folks can hear the ox carts coming along the way to the guillotines.
Fake Judge with a foreign name - probably biased against me. Watch for a story in the Enquirer.
Does anyone know what the official Russian documents allegedly incriminating Hillary in her dealings with Russia were about?
Seems to me either
- They don’t exist, in which case this story is a nothingburger, or
- We have yet another Clinton scandal to look forward to
3. UK gets put on timeout for colluding with Russians.
Wait… can you collude with your own government? Maybe not.
I see you aren’t any smarter now than you were three months ago.
that’s true
But then again, if it was Satan & Jeanine Pirro…
It’s post-Ailes Multiple Personality Disorder…
Note to Trump: When you’ve lost Fox News, you’re done.
Sorry – but on Bullshit Mountain, they just can’t quit him.
O/T, but a potential new hire for the Drumpf Oval Trailer. He’s got GOP cred written all over him.
Rauner fires staffer with history of homophobic tweets
Illinois GOP Gov. Bruce Rauner hired a new “body man” — the government staffer who spends long days with governor — Monday but fired him the same day after it was discovered he has a history of writing racially-charged, homophobic and sexually explicit tweets.
“I’d f— her teeth straight,” said one.
“To the Indian people in the library: SHUT THE F— UP!,” said another by the Twitter account belonging to Ben Tracy, who was hired to serve as the staffer who travels with the governor, handle scheduling and other duties.
He’ll always have Hannity. Sad.
Wow, it’s like Napolitano walked up and kissed Donnie Derp Jr. on both cheeks, and said the hell with omerta.
Hannity’s ass-kissing makes Mapplethorpe look fastidious by comparison.
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