Discussion: EU Says One-Month Tariff Extension Is Not Enough, Bad For Business

Gas prices are up. The number of uninsured is up, which means our health care premiums are going up. Still no improvement in infrastructure. Still no success in the emerging alternative fuel markets. More weaponry is being sold to foreign countries.

The right direction?

Republican economic policy is beginning to take hold, and it’s going to be expensive.


The fact that The U.S. has taken the step of imposing tariffs for no particular stated reason has disrupted the smooth flow of international trade. A formerly reliable trade partner has become impulsive and capricious. Even if we avoid the trade wars that the abnormal growth in the WH has outright threatened, the damage control by our trade partners will be implemented.

And yes fiftygigs. he certainly got rid of President Obama’s two Dollar gas.


This is like waiting for the biopsy results from a growth in your brain.

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A one-month extension isn’t just stupid and offensive, it shows that the people in charge have minimal understanding of how businesses make plans and choose suppliers.


The EU won’t back out of this fight. The US is led by idiots and will be tactically and strategically out-maneuvered. The EU would actually benefit, politically, from a unifying issue that will bring the union together against a common enemy, particularly if the enemy is the loathed Trumpist USA. A trade war will mainly hurt the agricultural and manufacturing sections in the USA who have largely seen fit to vote for Trump. Let them take the hit and repent at leisure.

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