Discussion: EU President To Trump: 'It Is Worth Knowing Who Is Your Strategic Problem'

European Council President Donald Tusk directed a remark at Trump, saying “it is always worth knowing who is your strategic friend and who is your strategic problem.”
Yep, And it’s a damned shame that the strategic problem is holding the office of U.S. President.

American Republicans who put him there are worthless gutter slime.


I’m getting better. I think I’ll go for a walk now.

Perhaps someone should ask Trump when the US will pay Europe back for breaking its economy utterly in 2008.

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Organize more and better. Mobilize the Obama coalition – it wasn’t in 2016


I hope that somewhere, someone is planning how we recover from this nightmare. It may take 8 years to get back to where we were before the Russians took over our government.


We have to get them back out of our government first and that isn’t going to be easy.


And speaking of not knowing anything about strategy, some other Trump voting states he may fuck over.

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Little-known fact… We’ve been living with the plague in California since first arrival of Europeans:

Plague is widespread in much of California, including in the Sierra Nevada mountains and foothills. In a typical year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports about ten cases of plague in humans per year in the western United States. However, during 2015, 16 human plague cases were reported.” – Source: The National Park Service, Public health warning for visitors to Yosemite Park.

Other little known fact:

It’s been in New Mexico since Spain got here.

NATO is going to unravel. That’s not even a question. It’s happening already. Look at Turkey if you doubt this.

Europe has too many countries in too small an area. The EMU is not a solution to that. There was a window of time in 2010-12 when the EMU could have changed to become structurally sound, but it didn’t happen and the opportunity has passed.

As should we be worried, because war in Europe always:

A) affects our economy
B) affects the global economy, and
C) sucks the US into European wars with concomitant costs in finances, casualties, and lives.

As Churchill said, it’s “better to jaw jaw than to war war”.


And don’t take bipartisanship to a propaganda war.


I hate that “not fair” the orangehorror always whines without fail at some point in his meetings with people who are smarter and better informed than him. He is such an embarrassment and, unfortunately, dangerous to world order.

I wish I was getting up and going through my days like its normal. I spend way too much time reading the news when there are other things I should be doing. I guess I hope this orange monster will be beaten down or have a stroke. Being off his rocker doesn’t seem to get any action.

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I vote for pig ignorance. That perfectly describes tRump although it kind of insults pigs who are pretty smart animals.