Discussion: EU President To Trump: 'It Is Worth Knowing Who Is Your Strategic Problem'

And there are contributions beyond just dollars. (Good luck getting that concept into Trump’s brain, BTW!) Canada, for example, is an integral part of our strategic air defense network, and has been since the early days of the Cold War.

Or, can you imagine trying to defend the east coast of the U.S. if our defensive perimeter in a non-NATO future did not include monitoring systems that involve transatlantic allies?

It requires an epic amount of strategic blindness and outright pig-ignorance to hold that NATO is some kind of charity case that benefits other countries disproportionately more than it benefits us, but we now have just such an idiot as commander in chief. This would be catastrophic even without the increasingly obvious fact that he is also a traitor.


I always apply a simple test to decide if I’m dealing with an adult with a functioning brain: Do they know which side their bread is buttered on?

Fat Nixon fails this test religiously, as did every person who voted for him. Even the corporate chieftains screwed themselves by indulging their greed over acting to preserve the stability of the systems they don’t pay for but which make them rich.


They are worried that once they have built up their armies they might fall again into the temptation to use those armies on each other. In the old days, the US was the equivalent of an honest broker that all the parties could agree to.


Is he trolling Trump?

I say yes, because we all know Trump’ biggest problem is that he is a crook, the FBI knows and SC is on the case.

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Work for a flipped House at the very, very least.


yet - he will get his due

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he he …


He’s not listening. He doesn’t hear you. And he never will.


Fuckface has a black tie. His own funeral?


A voo-doo doll ? ? …

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Oh yeah, baby. That’s part of going through a day like it’s normal.

So much winning:

BMW said Monday that it would move production for some of its SUVs out of the U.S. as a result of new tariffs placed on the vehicles, according to The Post and Courier in South Carolina.

The German-based automobile manufacturer signed an agreement with its Chinese partner, Brilliance Automotive Group Holdings, to increase the number of vehicles produced in the country, according to the Charleston newspaper, with the total reaching 520,000 by 2019.

“Our agreement sets a long-term framework for our future in China — a future involving continued investment, further growth and a clear commitment to the development and production of electric vehicles,” said BMW CEO Harald Krueger said.


You surely are not suggesting Trump will bring back the Black Death from Moscow, are you?

OTOH, “This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but with a whimper.”

OTOH, “Save us, Bubonicus Plagueo, you’re out only hope.”

OTOH, “Bring Out Your Dead.”

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We did. In 2016. It was 66 million for Hillary, 63 million for Trump.

Plan B?

Donald’s friends are those who contribute to him and his crime family. Not hard to understand.

Realize the rules we operate under, that is, the Electoral College, and don’t take a hockey stick to a basketball game.

(I understand many folks do not like the system, but in spite of the divisive rhetoric, the virtue of the EC is that it makes all the candidates campaign in all the states, all the time. – As BHO did.-- It prevents a few states from dictating to everyone else. (The very premise on which the current Republican efforts at gerrymandering are aimed.)


Are you implying that the president of the United States is a… puppet?

If so, his response to you is:

“No Puppet! No puppet! You’re The puppet!”

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And with Hair Furor’s breaking the bank on increased defense spending, saying that “America should pay less” rings more than a little hollow.

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Hey, c’mon - be fair. Somebody must have pointed out how many times the have Canadians kicked our butts when we invaded and he’s trying to get it right this time! Vlad’s going to suggest that he does it in winter this time, as apparently the Russians have had pretty good luck with winter invasions in the past (although he didn’t give Donnie any details, and Donnie’s too lazy to look them up. But what could possibly go wrong?..)

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