Is Jarvanka beginning to circle the drain? I sure hope so…
It’s very odd that anyone would suggest ethics and the Trump administration are somehow related.
It’s so annoying to have to keep track of all these piddling multi-million dollar investments. The peasants just don’t understand the complications of living in the upper 0.001 % or is it the 0.0001% ? I mean really - do you know how much you’re worth to the nearest hundred million or even to the nearest billion?
What’s to investigate? He broke the rules and got caught. Period.
Cadre is almost custom designed for money laundering and works well as a vehicle for bribery.
Jared can’t even be a smart crook.
Awww. couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
Kushner investing alongside Soros. Let the tinfoil begin!
Kushner has a learning disorder when it comes to mandatory disclosures.
…and it is a delicious dessert topping and 1st rate floor wax.
Billionaires George Soros and Peter Thiel, and Goldman Sachs, also have “stakes in the company,” according to the Wall Street Journal’s report.
Someone alert Alex Jones and Richard Spencer and the rest of the alt-right – Kushner is obviously a Soros / Deep State mole, plus he’s a New York Jew Coastal Liberal Elitist, which means when Kushner tried to set up a secret back-channel to Putin using Russian communications facilities, that was obviously a False Flag aimed at creating Fake News linking Trump to Russia, in an attempt to give Trump a heart attack so that Ivanka can get her inheritance sooner! Open your eyes, Sheeple, it’s right there in front of you!
The glaring hole in the middle of Conspiracy Theories: The complicated answer that relies mostly on coincidences, sounds-like associations and your complete gullibility.
A brilliant strategy when dealing with the U.S. citizenry.
A Mr. Johnny Caspar, late of Miller’s Crossing, has this to say:
“That’s why ethics is important–what separates us from the animals, the beasts of burden, the beasts of prey. Ethics. Whereas, uh, Bernie Bernbaum Jared Kushner is a horse of a different color, ethics-wise, as in he ain’t got any.”