Discussion for article #226943
PSHIPKEY Really Wants You To Know He Doesn’t Care About Erick Son of Erick.
Why does anyone pay any attention to that ignorant hillbilly?
There is another reason why people deny climate change: tribalism. It has become a marker of membership to the right wing clan. And of course, the more stridently one “takes the oath” to this belief, the more righteous their claim to membership.
I really want Erick Erickson to know I think he’s a f------g idiot.
Why does it never occur to these low life creatures, that climate change is their god’s way of showing them how little he cares for them. He gave them this glorious planet and a brain to think and solve and invent, bodies to explore and eyes to see and what have the done in return, they don’t think beyond their own self or greed, they explore and litter and “develop” and pollute and close their eyes so that they won’t have to accept responsibility.
Oh that I could be aware of the moment when they reach the pearly gates and they discover that price of admission was a life of stewardship of all that was given to them and they failed the test. Or that there is no such thing as the pearly gates, no afterlife and what they had they wasted on greed, destruction and hate, they blew it and will only become dust after all.
Well said. The tragedy is that the Right Wing Tribe is High-Voting.
If people who watch Jon Stewart say “all the right things” than refuse to outvote the Tribe, they are, in my estimation, as complicit in the Tribe’s political dominance (thru Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives) as the most ignorant TeaBagg Hillbillies.
My 36-year old daughter has said something like this herself.
This business Democrats “not turning out in Congressional elections” should simply be re-worded as:
“Democrats working to elect Republicans”
Those who refused to “come out” in 2010 are as complicit in John Boehner’s de-facto Presidency as every Red State racist screaming epithets at Mr. Obama.
Those who will refuse to “come out” in 2014 will (as before) be largely un-named, rendering them, once again, perfectly capable of gobbling up the next Stewart, Maher or Colbert Rant while hiding their complicity in the very things the latter gentlemen are satirizing.
Ahh, just another member of the “The world IS flat - just look!” crowd.
God will have a special place somewhere for this fool. And Please God, take him NOW!
He also kinda reminds me of the old, bearded man holding the decades-old, highly-worn leather-bound bible standing on the milk carton on the corner while screaming that “End is Near! The End is Near! REPENT!”
God save us from these swine.
I look forward to, in the coming years, Erick Erickson’s long, detailed, repeated apologies as only he can make them. We will need distractions from our lives in an environmentally-degraded dystopia.
I’m confused. Why isn’t Erickson so sanguine about our ability to adapt to a world with legalized abortion? Could it be because abortion is his particular hobbyhorse and he will stop at nothing to enact policy solutions to stop it? Huh. I guess he’s just a run-of-the-mill moral crusader who bends his arguments around his values and wastes everyone’s time with ignorant bromides. Color me nonplussed.
Like Rush Limbaugh, his days are numbered. The Big Lies and Big Liars are finally being called out.
For a whole lot of these folks, It’s also a matter of personal hubris. Erickson is a shallow fuck-witted imbecile. Like “Dr. Science,” climate scientists “know more than he does.” And there’s nothing harder for white conservative males to admit than the fact that there’s whole communities of people outside their bubble who know way, way more than they do on any subject you could name. And more importantly, their research findings carry far more weight than a white, conservative male’s [and not a few females] opinions. This really “sticks in their craw”.
Not to worry Eric, Climate Change cares just as much about you.
If only Erick Erickson hadn’t be aborted at birth, he wouldn’t be so #@%&ed in the head.
Erick thinks he’s gonna be sitting with Je$u$ watching
non-Chri$harians roast in hell so the he doesn’t care.
Hill billy?
You can do better than that.
Not all hillbillies are ignorant…
It would not destroy capitalism and most people do not hate it. The hallmark of the system is that it adapts. It would just have to result in the old fading away and new coming out.
The problem now is we are delaying and hiding that innovation from ever emerging to protect the problems.
Why would anyone are about this repulsive sack of shit? The guy who first rose to fame for calling a sitting Supreme Court Justice “a goat-f*****g child molester” because he disagreed with an opinion on eminent domain law. If it were revealed tomorrow that Erick Son of Erick was actually Ann Coulter wearing a male fat suit, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised. They both display the same degree of pig ignorance and hate-filled degeneracy.
Money Talks.
That is all that Eric Erickson can hear.
He just went Full Re-Tarred.
NEVER go Full Re-Tarred.