Discussion: Erick Erickson Praises Maya Angelou: I’d stand still on a hot bed of coals to hear her tell me she disagreed

Discussion for article #223288

Porcine sack of crap says something less offensive than usual. News at 11.


There sure are some nasty, mean-spirited small people in the world.


Debbie Schlussel, talker, screamer, hater seems to hate Maya Angelou just because it’s the thing to do, but isn’t she the woman Chis Hayes shot down so thoroughly about the Bundy ranch. She just kept on ranting and screaming and he sat back and let her show the world her desperate need for medication.


What the hell is a Schlussel and how can it be removed from the body politic?


Anger Bear Erick Erickson: So much anger. So little talent.

Sorry…try as I might, I find nothing positive to say about Smegmabrain Erickson.

So classy Debbie. Now name one great conservative poet. No, not a Libertarian poet. No, not a conservationist poet.

A great CONSERVATIVE poet.

I’ll wait.


Even in such delusional state, hunkered down in church and school, the power of the spoken word and pen touched the conservative’s swords of ideology/theology.

She was a lady of the Arts and People. Herein lies the problem. Worked with Malcolm and Martin. Supported Cuba in its struggle with America. Supported gay marriage equality and the struggles of women in general, including bring our girls back. Many will stay stuck up but a few will remember, I read her works and smile. Touched by an angle, the caged bird sings.


Last time I heard from ragedouche’ Debbie Schlussel, she was warning America that boy band One Direction had ~gasp!~ a Muslim in its midst and was going to have sexy time with your daughters while overthrowing Murrika’!!!


Yup…that’s the depth of that hosenozzle’s cultural insights.


Looks like the Stopped-Clock Model applies to Erickson the same way it does to John McCain and Joe Scarborough. 98.4% of the stuff that comes out their pie holes is ridiculous horsecrap, but every once in a great while they’ll say something that’s sensible.


Debbie Schlussel is in a vicious competition with Ann Coulter for the title of Most Unhinged Blonde Conservative Hellish Witch-Harpy.


“Schlussel” is Bavarian German for “inflamed and incredibly itchy hemorrhoid.”

“Herr Doktor, bitte, bitte, bitte excisen mein jucken Schlussel on mein arsch, danke!”


That had to be Erickson’s version of doing a million Hail Mary’s for all the hate, lies and misinformation he spews on a daily basis.

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Why does anyone care what Schlussel says?

She’s got 9K followers, for a political commentator who’s active on Twitter, that’s pretty pathetic. Hell, the guy who’s job is to watch TV for content for the Howard Stern Show (@jdharm) has 23K.

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Good morning LGB. How did I miss that. Was she on last night. I have been working very late and missing all my evening shows?

Fortunately, we have the the FoxToxic Blond Brigade to keep things real. And classy. Always all about the class.

To me, working with Malcom X (and obviously Martin) is a plus for me. Malcom became one of my heroes and I am not ashamed to say it. Malcom X was a brilliant man who grew and learned from his experiences. He had plenty to be angry about and because he dared to call the man out for what he was/is, he paid the penalty. Her support for Cuba would never cause me to dislike her. She was a wonderful woman and she touched so many with her wonderful words.


Conservatives are such trash. I get disagreeing with her views on various issues, but to dance on a wonderfully kind, largely inoffensive woman’s grave is just evil.


Beyond evil. There really are no words to describe these people or my feelings for them without getting thrown out of here


Schlussel’s just putting into action one of the fundamental principles of being a Republican conservative:

Kicking a man when he’s down is the best way to get a shoe shine.