Discussion: Erick Erickson Begs Rand Paul To 'Take Your Campaign Out Back And Shoot It'

Discussion for article #241790

Erick Erickson Tells Rand Paul To ā€˜Take Your Campaign Out Back And Shoot Itā€™

EE continued in a high-pitched shriek:

"ā€¦and your little rug too!"



A broken clock is right twice a day


a drummer no one else can hear

When the highlight of the live stream was the yellow jacket that flew into the candidateā€™s carā€¦

Funny, Iā€™m not a fan and I didnā€™t find it interesting. But I still agree with the remedy.


Hey Chubs, why donā€™t you take yourself out back and do the same?

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Such a violent man!

Why bother to take it out back? Just send it to college. Likely to get the same result.


Oh,and Rand,make sure you get the stooge Eric first,Thanks!

Oh ā€¦ deeee-lightful! Nothing makes my first cup of coffee taste better than enjoying a little GOP assclown on GOP assclown violence in the morning!


The pudgy Xtian sociopath fancies himself a kingmaker.


Oh thatā€™s coldā€¦but I love it!


Repub cannibalism. Sit back. Enjoy.

It delights me to no end to imagine that the whole cabal of feckless Republican Presidential aspirants scratching their heads wondering how ā€œPresident Obama made this running for President thing look so easyā€¦and heā€™s black!ā€

Rand Paul is a loser who permanently damaged his brand, whatever that was, by his bizarrely inept Presidential campaign. I hope he loses his Senate seat too!


Erickson, who had endorsed Paulā€™s 2010 Senate bid, wrote Thursday in a column titled ā€œRand Paul, It Is Time to Take Your Campaign Out Back and Shoot It.ā€

Rush Limbaugh uttered similar sentiments privately to his studio staff. But it was more along the line of "Rand Paul, It Is Time to Take Your Campaign Out Back and Spank it Hard, Until it Cries Out 'Hurt me Mommy, hurt me some more!'" Finally the little Dominican girl he'd promised some ice cream cut him off and led him out the back door.
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It seems he should be telling that to Jeb Bush and the rest of the 1%ers

Erickson has the term dumbass flagged so he gets an alert any time it appears in the news ā€“ always keeping an eye on what people are saying about him.

Iā€™m definitely no fan of Erickson, but ā€œHe has marched to the beat of not just his own drummer, but a drummer no one else can hearā€ is a great turn of phrase.

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Erick Erickson may not be smart enough maintain different first and last names, but he IS smart enough to understand that Rand Paul is not really running for president. Paul is running for publicity, money and influence, and maybe a little, to make daddy proud.

Anybody who wants him out before the convention needs to find a better reason then ā€œyouā€™re not doing well.ā€ The very reason weā€™re blogging about this ignorant hayseed proves that his thimble is runneth-ing over.

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Erickson should do the same to Red State.

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