Discussion: Eric Schneiderman Is Our Duke Of The Week

I don’t think the Schneiderman-Trump link is a “weird coda” at all. As John Light suggests, It sounds like Schneiderman may have been compromised. For real. I could see Trump giving him these orders: “you can push your liberal horsesh%t agenda as much as you want but you find anything that may lead to me, you kill it”.


Gotta follow up on my own post here… Dunno why no one else is posting. Usually 100+ posts in an hour on TPM.

Think about this: In public Schneiderman consistently seems to operate against Trump and the interests of Trump. Trump has had serious goods on Schneiderman since 2013 but he does nothing!!? Usually Trump would be all over this with accusations and innuendo and tweets. Only two explanations. (1) Schneiderman is too small potatoes for Trump to bother, or (2) Schneiderman is Trump’s mole. Couldn’t have had a better situated guy in that role.

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“While driving drunk through the Hamptons, he allegedly told one date, who spoke to the New York Post anonymously, ‘I’m a state senator, and I rule this neighborhood.’”

Not that this affects any of the other stuff, but I call either no confidence in that particular statement and no wonder the date spoke anonymously…or Schneiderman must have been drunker than usual that day. When he was State Senator it was for District 31 (my district, in fact, Western Manhattan from Hell’s Kitchen to Marble Hill) and we are nowhere near the Hamptons.

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Considering the extent of the tRump U fraud, was the $25M hit small potatoes?

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My guess as to why more people are not posting is that we, or at least me, are, like Jane Mayer, deeply disappointed and feel sick about this matter, and if we, I, don’t have to think or talk about it the better off we’ll be.