Discussion: Eric Holder Sends Warning To DOJ, FBI Employees: 'Be Strong'

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Is there some known context to Holder’s statement?

Probably the coming sh@tstorm of tweets Trump will unleash when indictments start flying out to the White House. Manafort, Bannon, Priebus and maybe even Kushner.


He might know something we don’t. Or he might be reacting to the contorted and contrived right wing attacks on Comey and Mueller this week.


Can’t help but wonder, for you dyed-in-the-wool Republican DOJ employees and especially FBI agents: how’s it feel being thrown under the bus by your own party? Oh, and have them back that bus over and over?


The antibodies of our democracy, and I mean that as an honorific.


Interesting article in Politico that indirectly discusses that at State.

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The same FBI that Donnie keeps trashing? I’m guessing they’re none to happy with Hair Furor, and could spring some leaks…

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Or that Grassley has been hinting that he finds the FBI investigations to be over the top


This reminds me of the Goofus and Gallant articles I used to read in Highlight magazine when I was a kid.

You’ve got inspiring tweets like this from Holder…and then you’ve got Trump…


There are several stories about how prominent Repubs (Grassley, for one) are trying to discredit Mueller and McCabe ahead of any findings. Supposedly the main focus of right wing news as well. Much of it is being drowned out by donnie’s tweets.


Donald Trump is sick.



Grassley/Graham Judiciary Cmte. asked for all of the FISA requests from the DOJ/FBI pertaining to Trump investigation. They will try to impune the integrity of Holder’s former colleagues with the info and taint the outcome of the probe.


Also the FBI guy who lied about firing shots at the wing nut out west (the blue tarp guy) before the police capped his dumb ass.

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Thanks for posting this. That is a frightening article. It makes you wonder again whether we have been taken over by a foreign power and Tillerson, or those “cadres” are in on it.


Sounds like firing Mueller and anyone who won’t fire him is coming soon.


The collateral damage will be immense before this sucker is through.
That is a source of enjoyment all on it’s own for Dopey Donald J.

Good guys will fall and bad along the way and some real surprises await us.
Even the righteous may not make it through for lack of funds. How many basic government employees could afford to be in a legal battle with the Crown/Clown Prince of litigation, I doubt many.

Unless Holder and Co, the ACLU and any other liberal groups are going to go to bat and defend them gratis, many will fall and that is the reality of the Trumpp environment.


Events are moving fast toward proofing evidence of criminal activity and with that comes a ferocious existential fight.

3:17 AM.

Holder HAD to send out that 3:00 AM tweet.

It is me, it feels like something big and/or serious is going on… :persevere:


“Known Context” :
-President Trump’s demand that all remaining US Attorneys immediately resign, in order to cover up his selective need to immediately fire Preet Bahrara.
-President Trump’s obvious intention of squelching any investigation of the unfolding Russia scandal by appointing Jeff Sessions as AG, and loyal cronies at the various intelligence agencies.
-President Trump’s documented attempts to get intelligence agency heads and Senate and House Intelligence Committee chairs to publicly absolve Trump.
-The rather recent testimony of Jim Comey before congress, combined with Trump’s interview with Lester Holt in which he admitted the reason for Comey’s firing.
-The firing of Sally Yates soon after she warned WH Counsel that Flynn was deeply implicated in wrong doing and was compromised, combined with the absolute failure to keep Flynn from classified information over the next 18 days when he was fired only because of a Washington Post story.
-Newt Gingrich’s repeated and sustained scurrilous attacks on Robert Mueller and the veteran DOJ staff he has assembled to investigate the elephant in the room.
-The seven or so years of bad faith and abusive Congressional “Oversight” hearings of the DOJ, during which Holder ignored and shrugged off the many ad hominem attacks on himself, but repeatedly bristled and responded to the mistreatment and mischaracterization of DOJ career staff.

That isnt even a complete list of the “known context.” And every day there is more.