Discussion: EPA Sources To The Atlantic: Staffer Who Got 56k Raise Claimed Pruitt Approved It

In every other Presidential administration, this would be a major scandal, perhaps the largest scandal of the entire administration. Obama, for example, had nothing like this.

But with Trump, it’s just Monday.


"“The truth is, these aren’t very bright guys, and things got out of hand.”


Maybe Trump just wants to keep him on until he can resess apoint him in August to head the DOJ.

Pruitt will fire ANYONE ('scuse me, EVERYONE) Trump asks him to.

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Of course he did. He’s responsible for the budget.

You remember, conservatives, our money?


WTF is it going to take for this guy to get fired?? He 's been flying around in style, taking luxurious trips on taxpayer dime, has a security entourage, getting a sweet deal on lodging from a lobbyist presumably in exchange for favors, he’s remodeled his office for fucking soundproofing (what the fuck is he doing, recording an album???), allowing his aide to miss months of workdays and still getting paid, and has been caught lying about overstepping the chain and pushing through raises for a couple of his employes. And this is what we know of! This guy should have been gone a long time ago. Any other reputable administration would have already shown him the door. But not this one. Gotta keep that swamp full, I guess.

But her emails…


Big Oil, Carl Icahn, the Koch Brothers and lots of other people who are very important to this Administration invested a lot of money in Scott Pruitt. This is the only reason he has not been fired. The good news is the more the Media and The Atlantic keep digging, the more we are going to find out. Like you said, this is just the shit we know about as of now. It is going to get much worse.