Private email account for routine matters. Hmmm… Seems like I heard about someone else doing that before.
Repeat after me boys and girls
The Emails!!! The Emails!!!
What about the Emails!!!
Maybe Russia can help find them
Let’s see if the New York Times comes anywhere near giving Pruitt the Hillary treatment on this.
Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!
Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!
Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!
Lock him…
If anybody at the EPA should get a raise, it’s the IG. That guy’s had to do more in the past 16 months than the EPA IG had to do in the previous 8 years combined.
But, I’d really like to see some meaningful results before upping the pay grade.
I’ll settle for a get the fuck out of here
The Environmental Protection Agency’s inspector general will look into
administrator Scott Pruitt’s use of nonpublic email accounts, according
to a recently released letter obtained by Politico.
Cute. ‘Nonpublic email accounts’ vs. ‘private email accounts.’ See, that’s completely and totally different! Nothing really to see here. Move along, move along.
Was thinking the same thing. Lets see how “shadowy” this seems to them. And how much it indicates that people “just don’t seem to trust” Pruitt.
Twelve (12) currently ongoing investigations! This fetid POS needs his own personal Investigator General’s office to keep up with the workload.
Now that I think about it, I’m surprised he hasn’t requested one already.
“Trump has remained publicly supportive of Pruitt, despite the consistent flood of scandals plaguing Pruitt and his department.”
Whenever they report on this, journalists always add this line like it’s a surprise.
Has Pruitt ever criticized 45*? No.
Is he doing everything the Koch brothers and other industrialists ever dreamed of? Yes.
Is he nearly as corrupt and crazy as 45* and his antics provide a welcome distraction while the GOP burn the country to the ground? Yes indeedy.
He might just outlast 45* ,he is so useful.
Yeah, but why bother? Those are not HER emails…
HAHAHAHAHA…I almost spit coffee…what a bunch of hypocrites.
If this EPA IG doesn’t already have his hair on fire over the several dozen of scandals Pruitt’s acts of corruption has already committed, emails aren’t gonna make much of a difference or tip the scales by GOP standards (GOP standards is really an oxymoron).
As I recall, the IG creates a report and sends it to Congress or the President. If they choose to do nothing, which so far they have on any matter of corruption in the federal government under tRump, the IG’s investigation will end up being one more example of how the GOP ignores what’s right under their noses because it reflects badly on Hair Furor and the rest of these pukes.