Not “protecting” much except the Trump administration I see.
Motherfuck the motherfucking motherfuckers installed by 45 at EPA
So they haven’t hired anybody at the EPA except an Attack Dog PR staff.
(Shakes head)
a/k/a Goebbels (R-OK)
Without getting into any of the specifics which I’m sure the journalist reported with all the accuracy he possessed at the time of his report, when has EPA ever issued such a hectoring bit of political cant prior to Pruitt’s appointment?
I’ll bet writing on Pruitt’s EPA is a breeze. No interview or phone call needed. Just write the worst thing you can think of, and it’ll be true eventually.
Hey EPA and Director Pruitt - Do. Your. Job. Oppo research is not your job.
Yep, and they knew just where to get them. Apparently “EPA Associate Administrator, Liz Bowman” was a direct pull from the American Chemistry Council, where she was the “director of issue and advocacy communications.” So a PR flack from the chemical manufacturers industry group is now the mouthpiece for the EPA… welcome to the new Environmental Prostitution Agency, pimping out our natural resources for an easy buck.
“Who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes?”
Sounds just like Trump himself – lying and accusing to cover up their horrendous failures.
Comrades! The press releases of our workers sing the songs of our leaders!
Huh? That EPA statement reads like an incoherent rambling email from an angry uncle.
Wow that’s defensive.
Protest-too-much much?
AP’s Biesecker reports 7 superfund sites he actually went to were flooded and there was risk of toxic waste escaping due to flooding, and the EPA had not been to them. EPA says there are actually 13 flooded sites they’ve identified from aerial imaging. They went to 2 of them and there’s no “immediate attention” necessary (whatever that means). But, EPA says they could not get to the other 11. It seems to me that the EPA has confirmed the reporting, and added 4 more flooded sites (7+4=11) to the number they haven’t inspected. But, they’ve got to attack the journalist - in an unusually long and defensive press release (of a type that’s becoming more regular under the Trump administration) - because he has told the truth about Pruitt, and that truth makes Pruitt look bad. Can’t have any of that.
and don’t be the last one to stop clapping
After a lead paragraph of slander and, at least, one obvious lie the Environmental Protection Agency, in an official statement, states something else I’ll wager has never been stated in any public EPA release before now:
Here’s the truth:
Nothing offends like actually seeing this smoldering prose on an official US government web page…
Pruitt is the Fossil Fuel Industry fox Trump put in charge of the EPA hen house. How can we know anything he or his spokespeople say is the truth?
the comfort of Washington
Ah, it’s like walking on dirty air…