I can’t think of two things that go better together than Trump and the National Enquirer.
The hell with them both.
“the paper, which is run by Trump’s friend David Pecker”
David Pecker, what a huge…jerk.
I recall when I was about 12 or so i bought a tabloid at the drug store (I think it had a JFK-still-alive story) and a man followed me out of the store and started yelling at me for wasting 50 cents on it.
I didn’t have a clever answer so i got on my bicycle and rode away.
There are some people for whom adjectives are useless.
Because they are so evil
Because they do not care if people know they are evil
Because it makes no difference anyway
Right now, a person I dislike very much may be one of the people who can save the Republic from Trump. George Will is advocating a strategy of preventing a Trump candidacy by voting against him in 50 states. Will gives valid reasons and valid motivations. However, I fear that Will’s reasoning and motivations would fall on deaf ears with most Republicans.
People of the upper-middle and wealthy sectors who vote Republican can respond positively to Will, based on Will’s appeal to “principle”, “conservatism”, “civility”. But white working-class people, who comprise a significant part of the number of Republican voters, consistently vote against their own interests and are quote pleased with Trump’s tone, xenophobia, racism, chauvinism, lack of civility. To them, “conservatism” has always been primarily a dog whistle to mask hatred of perceived out-groups.
Even for people of “principle” and “civility” who are Republican …can they overcome the desire to try to win with their candidate?
“Trump is a big friend of Pecker” why does that sound funny? how about … “Trump is a friend of big Pecker”
Curious minds want to know, enquiring minds don’t give a shit.
Important to remember that there will be no level of sleaze which will disqualify Trump. He is made of garbage, and cannot be weakened by it.
What will beat him is us being organized and active. I’m sure I’m preaching to the choir, here, but if you’ve never volunteered before, this is the one. If it’s outside your comfort zone, well, it’s outside mine, too. God willing, we will never have a chance like this again.
That the Enquirer would publish a story like this, or that Trump would spout it on the campaign trail, is, regrettably, no longer an eye-catching story in this election cycle. The more disturbing point is that Trump’s willingness to use unsubstantiated tabloid attacks against his rivals is covered with “evenhandedness” by more respectable media. Even the New York Times, no friend of Trump, reports the story as Trump says, and Cruz replies. Where have the media as guardians of some semblance of honesty disappeared to?
It will be interesting to see whether the Clinton campaign deals with these kind of things by attacking them straight on or ignoring them, counting on the intelligence of her likely voters. Trump certainly appeals to the reptilian parts of the brain— citing some story, saying that it’s interesting, saying it’s outrageous, but when pinned down unwilling to say that he believes it. I think some TV interviewers are no longer letting him get away with this, which is one reason see we him less, but on the other hand, his spokeswoman (I cannot remember her name, but she is the one who always appears) did the same thing and Steve Kornacki, who I thought had some journalistic chops, did not go after her.
Wow! Argentina slaps back at trump. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sTEnBC-2ZL4
This is completely on par for Trump. You got to remember he started his political ‘career’ being an Obama Truther.
Regardless, Weasel Ted ‘Lucifer’ had it coming. Now, all Ted Cruz has to do is to prove that his father was somewhere else or bring a contemporary photo that shows the looked different.
This is just out of hand.
I keep telling myself we’re still only in the Primary stage, and so rational cool-headed Americans (read non-Republicans) haven’t yet had their voices heard. I pray there will be a resounding backlash against Trump.
I think professional wrestling goes equally well with both.
Once he wins, the 30-mile-wide asteroid hits…even BEFORE he wins, if he causes something terrible as a result of his comments.
Once he is in power, its over.
I have a hard time connecting popcorn with Trump, his candidacy and the Americans and American public discourse he is destroying, day by day.
Public discourse in May of 2016 is dramatically (and perhaps irrevocably) worse than in May of 2015.
This would appear to be the logical end for the Republican Party. More than ever, I want the political party that spawned this abomination annihilated, the corpse cremated, and the ashes dispersed to the wind.
Who could vote for this swine?
And it opens the question of what sort of fecal matter Drumpf will throw at HRC, and which outlets he’ll use as his catapult. On the good news side, I don’t believe there is anything new he could throw up. On the bad news side, we will have to endure six months of this garbage.