President Rick Perry: A fate worse than death.
That is some serious insurance…
Energy Secretary Rick Perry Chosen As Designated Survivor For SOTU
Kiefer Sutherland, with no governmental experience, would have been a better choice.
Katy Perry would have been the more intellectual choice…
Rick would actually be an improvement over tramp and Dense, but what a low bar!!!
Slick Rick, the guy who makes a Golden Retriever look like a Rhodes scholar. Sad!
I feel like, in a pinch, a true crisis, he’d still find a way to die
We’re all fucked.
Well, at least it isn’t Ben Carson or Betsy Devos. But seriously, once you get past Madam Speaker it’s like choosing between being poisoned and being shot (to quote Lindsey Graham back when he was actually worth quoting on occasion).
Oh. My. God.
The only way…
That outfit looks awfully Mexican. Did Rick swim the Rio?
Rick Perry as the designated cockroach?
Even when you eliminate the acting cabinet members, there are at least two who are more roach-like than Perry is.
You mean this guy?
Maybe he would make the best meal ? I can’t imagine, he would have other uses…
This is more frightening than the nonsense in the speech.
Also, why not Cardi B?
I’m surprised they didn’t just cut to the chase, and designate Sergey Lavrov.