Discussion: Energy Sec. Perry Says C02 Levels Not Primarily To Blame For Climate Change

I’m confused. Is he suggesting that the ocean has just up and decided to get warmer and take us all with it? Just watch. By the end of Drumpf’s term, we’ll be nuking the ocean in retaliation.


Mr (ahem) Secretary, what data do you use to support your scientific conclusion?


Perry: There are three things that exert a huge amount of gas.

  1. Drumpfster Fires,
  2. The GOP, &

Data?? You mean, like Commander Data the robot dude on ST:TNG? Like that kinda data??

Rick Perry would swear up one side and down the other that the sun is blue if it served the purposes of Rick Perry. He’s too fucking stupid to care about anything else but Rick Perry.


All ThE heaT is Makings all the WarmiNg. Not aiR gasses.


He’s even brighter than he looks! As everyone knows, the environment we live in has nothing to do with CO2 levels.

Yes Rick, we know. CO2 levels are primarily caused by homosexuals and abortion doctors.


Perry’s opinion of anything other than his most recent meal is worthless.


Perry has absolutely no god cred. Remember in 2011 when he led his crew of cristianist wack jobs in prayers for rain to moisten the drought parched Texas landscape. Remember how he got hell fire that burned up over a million acres of Texas along with houses, cars, cattle, well just about everything in its path. Oops, indeed.


But on the plus side, the bird would be a shoo-in winner on “Dancing With The Stars.”


Ok, my brain just melted reading that stupidity from Perry.

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Wep, that’s it. We’re doomed.

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“…and this environment we live in.” You know, this environment that’s full of fossil fuel emissions; CO2; cleared land that used to be forests; hot, putrid, filthy air that emits from the mouths of a certain president and his incompetent, corrupt cabinet, as well as from republican congress critters.


Oh right. “Governor Goodhair” said it, so it must be true.


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Well, Mr. Panama Canal–isn’t she great–was upstaged in buffoonery by his Energy Secretary today. Way to go, Mr. Science Denier, you get a cookie.




I was just going to post that I thought the real cause of climate change was an excess of cow flatulence. Thanks for clearing that up, Secretary Perry. (What an idiot he is…) Maybe it’s all the hot air coming out of his mouth.


Perry is a nitwit. He isn’t smart enough for High School. There is no way he is smart enough to understand Climate Change Science. You know being stupid is fine. Refusing to rely on scientists is a whole other level of stupid. Dept of Energy is usually headed by an eminent scientist. Perry is the total other end of the spectrum. I doubt he passed High School Physics if he even tried to take it.


Pertinent to this, Richard Alley gave a presentation at the AGU in 2009, titled “The Biggest Control Knob Carbon Dioxide in Earth’s Climate History”.

I wonder if the wording of the reporter’s question about “primary control knob” was in any way an echo of the phrase that Richard Alley used.

The lecture itself is well worth watching. Even though it’s now quite a few years old I don’t think there’s anything in it that’s in any way obsolete, just a few areas where knowledge has become more refined over the years.

Attempted share from the AGU webpage