Discussion: Energized White Supremacists Cheer Trump Convention Message

“Trust me. Trump thinks like me,” Spencer said. “Do you think it’s a coincidence that everybody like me loves Trump and supports him?”

No, I don’t.

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  "I don't think people have fully recognized the
   degree to which he's transformed the party,"
  said Richard Spencer,

 "Trust me. Trump thinks like me," Spencer said. "Do
  you think it's a coincidence that everybody like me loves
  Trump and supports him?"

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Energized White Supremacists Cheer Trump Convention Message

Oh, dear. And I was already alarmed over the lanquid and depressed white supremacists.


Remember everyone…

What’s really important is that the DNC said unkind things about Sanders in emails…

This whole “Trump being nakedly supported by hate mongers and dictators” is just a distraction.


We need a response from Senator Tim Scott.

And where in fck and how in fck would this small group of white nationalists round up the Jews, Hispanics, and other lesser forms of American citizens and send them where?

And the NRA should be all over this. These are groups they need to reach out to and pronto.
Oy vey

So, you don’t think that’s important too?

And I thought Sanders supporters were juvenile…

No, I really really don’t.

None of the emails turned into actual actions so…

However, a Foreign power having a present and actual effect on our elections… Yeah I consider that important.

The kind of Drama that’s best left to highschoolers before prom?..
I’mma take a page from the Republican play book and say “I’m sorry if those words offended you, Bernie-bros”

Shouldn’t the Europeanists be the ones to leave? Why do they get to stay in a land that their ancestors immigrated to? Show me the documents that demonstrate they are the rightful owners to America.

So you get two out of your three guesses wrong, such a shock!

Yes, the emails turned into action. What brand of blinders do you use, they’re very effective. You remember when Sanders was frozen out of his accounts? No action, right?

Second, what exactly gives you the impression that in a ‘Bernie Bro’? Your desire to somehow disparage me? Sorry, that backfired as badly as your ‘no action’ fantasy…

i sure do remember when he was frozen out of his accounts after his campaign took advantage of a data breach and stole data from the Clinton campaign and had his accounts back in less than 24 hours. Try again champ.

As to why I think you’re a Bernie-Bro, maybe because this isn’t the first time you’ve peddled bullshit here…

I think you need to read more than write. You’re thin skinned and can’t take any any critisism on any idea that you don’t agree with, then disparage anyone who tries.

Open your mind more than your mouth if you want to actually be as smart as you think you are…