Discussion: Emails Show Cooperation Among EPA, Climate-Change Deniers

“They recognized us as the pre-eminent organization opposing the radical climate alarmism agenda and instead promoting sound science and policy,” Huelskamp wrote.

Er. Okay, I get that the republicans have to find ominous threatening terms for those who oppose the GOP agenda - its part of the dna since Limbaugh got on the air. But… sometimes it just looks ridiculous because the effort to slime while fear-mongering is just so… obvious. The art of subtlety is dead for these quacks.


Is conspiracy to mislead the public for the profit of carbon dioxide producing companies and industries a crime?

If not, it should be.


Honestly, that’s been part of the DNA of the GOP since Nixon began accusing his opponents of being communists back in the late 1940’s.


“Other newly discovered emails show close cooperation with Pruitt of earth salters, well poisoners, and raw sewage dumpers.”

ETA. Nothing changes people’s minds like a good, extended and intractable human environmental catastrophe. And oh, we’re heading there folks. And when we do get there, and we eventually will, the GOP will try to blame Obama, Hillary and the Democrats.


‘. . . and promote Administrator Scott Pruitt’s stewardship of the agency. “

OK, this is admittedly picky, picky, picky. Any time you have an administrator who is doing everything possible to defeat the stated mission of his/her agency, in every dimension that person can have a destructive effect, that is not “stewardship” in any sense.


Truly, this Administration can’t make up its mind whether it’s a plutocracy, a kleptocracy, an oligarchy, or just a plain old kakistocracy.
Why not all of the above?


Used to be de rigueur to avoid discussing politics and religion in social settings, but at least one could discuss the weather. And yet Republicans have found a way to make even talking about the weather a partisan minefield of gaslighting, resentment, and lies.


Other than being the primary source of their income why do these people hate the planet and all living things so much?


I wish I knew.

I find it so mysterious and maddening.


Thanks, Jill. Good work, Green Party.


…Administrator Scott Pruitt’s stewardship of the agency.

Stewards build things up for future generations. This is the farthest thing from Pruitt’s (or for that matter, Zinke’s) feeble little mind.

ETA: Did not see @libthinker’s comment above before posting. But great minds and all…


Somethings go without saying re: the headline

Be forewarned, you are about to get inundated with claims that there has been no warming since 2016, in fact the world is cooling…

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This is conservative doublespeak. The issue is conservation and protection of the human and natural environment. Stewardship is a conservative, multiple use, resource extraction term. “Stewardship” means ostensibly maximizing resources extraction without irreversible depletion of the resource. As an example, a BLM manager asked me once, “How many off road vehicles can we allow to play on the sand dunes without damaging the population of endangered plants growing there?” The answer is none. This is the ultimate have your cake and eat it too bullshit, the assumption that there is always room for profit at the expense of the environment without permanent damage. This is simply not always (rarely) the case. When politicians use the term “stewardship”, check to make sure your wallet is still there.


I’ll never forget in the 2d debate in the 2004 election, when W proved once and for all that there is no god when he stood there in front of the whole world and said: I consider myself a good steward of the environment.

The GOP likes them some “stewardship” cause it doesn’t mean what we think it means.


How is it that a government official in charge of an agency who is actively working to subvert the agency’s mission is not breaking the law?

This question applies not only to Pruitt, but to other cabinet members as well, not to mention Russia’s Agent Orange (who, after all, took an oath to see that the laws be faithfully executed).

[maybe they are using the wrong definition of ‘executed?]


I’m sure Huelskamp believes every word. He used to be my congresscritter, and he’s beyond stupid. At a town hall, I asked him about his opposition to the ACA, and he said that nobody was denied health care in this country because they could always go to the emergency room. After that, he wouldn’t take any more questions from me.

Ah, the good old Heartland Institute–also trying to smear Rachel Carson’s reputation for supposedly causing the death of millions from malaria. These people are nuts.


I just ran across this fascinating item regarding findings in Antartica - and a discussion of what these might mean due to glacial melting - and thought back to this unhinged ignorance in the agencies that should be on top of this science - instead of playing games of confusion/image management - in the efforts to prevent science and rational policy making to intrude on corporate sell-offs and give aways in terms of deregulation.

oh, and sorry that you live in one of these redrightwing districts. Alas, I do, too (south central Indiana).


As long as the two scoops stay frozen … we’re good —


to be fair, their base doesn’t “do” subtlety… dog whispering racism has even gone out of style in favor of “some good people among the Nazis”.