Discussion: Emails Reveal Ross Wanted Census Question 9 Months Before DOJ Request

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I’m sure Trey Gowdy will be right on this apparent perjury.


So Ross came into the job wanting the citizenship question, he then pestered his minions on how to get the question added to the census, and then the DoJ did ask. So then why all the harassment after the DoJ sent the letter asking for the question.
Does this sum up the situation?


Lock him up! Lock him up!


The entire Trump Administration is one giant right-wing conspiracy to destroy democracy in this country and establish an oligarchic autocracy.


Secretary Ross. Inquiring Minds want to know – are YOU a citizen? And, of what Country?

Now I know what Kris Kobach will look like in 40 years.


Wilbur Ross, President. “Voter Suppression ‘R’ Us”

This is how a corrupt executive takes over the nation, by twisting the knobs of government to force it to do things that serve only the ends of the corruption. Getting someone in the DoJ to make a “request” to justify a poor policy, and then ignoring the clear harm that policy does to people in the US (American citizens or not), just reeks of malicious intent to harm the non-white, non-Trump loving parts of the nation. The actions here are undemocratic, done in secret, and the clearly conspiratorial way they were done should cause the courts to reject them, even without accounting for the malice behind them.

And, it’s also stupid…10% of American households have a non-citizen in them, which means a lot of people have a stake in what is being done here. These are our loved ones being attacked by the racists in the administration, and that attack affects more than 10% of the nation. All it’s going to take is for a small portion of that America to stand up and these white supremacists will be thrown out of office in all but the backwaters.


I feel like I should maybe switch to Hispanic, just to make up for someone who is afraid to return their census form after all this mishegas. I did find one possible Spaniard in the family tree, although that was in the 17th century…


“Lock her him up,” he I said, followed by a laugh. “I heard expect to hear that a long time over the last this campaign.”

Because I have only the best words.


He lied about his assets and divestitures – nothing happened.
He lied about the effects of Trump’s consumer tax increases (like he’s ever held a can of soup in his hands) – nothing happened.

Now we know that he lied (again) to Congress about the census. Ayn Ryan won’t do anything about it – neither will Boy Howdy…


Hey Wilbur–We see you (and so do Mueller, et.al.). We see all that financial foolery in Cyprus, too.

You’re going to jail, pal.


Kobach won’t live that long. His stupidity is fatal.

White supremacists gonna white supremacist.


Is that a cadaver or an actual live human being?


I always thought sleaze was free flowing…this is disciplined and calculated malfeasance

However, back in March 2018, Ross testified in front of Congress that the Justice Department “initiated the request” to add the question.

He has since had to acknowledge, in a memo filed in the litigation last month, that he began considering the question soon after his appointment and that he inquired whether the DOJ would make a request as part of the “deliberative process” of discussing the question with other federal officials.

So he Ross the Racist/sexist/homophobe (FSM you can not make this sh*t up) perjured himself before Congress? Or does this fall under the category of Alternative Testimony?

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Another Harvard MBA who’s crooked and flat out lies under oath to congress! Need to mention Ross is also undergrad. Yale as a rich legacy brat admitted on his daddy’s coat tails - otherwise a more deserving black kid would outshine stupid Ross easily.

The American system is a farse - you have Trump always lying, AG Sessions caught lying under oath multiple times, Ross lying, Zinke lying and committing fraud, EPA Admin. Pruitt lied and misappropriated funds. When do any of these rich white bastards go to jail which would happen to the rest of us - especially if you have brown skin.

Just wait for the lies from Kavanaugh - and he’ll get Republican confirmation just as Thomas and Alito both flat out lied during their confirmation hearings!

When do Schumer and Pelosi stand up for law, truth, and justice - shut down the fucking government and start throwing the crooked Republicans in jail!

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And the mechanism is telling. It is basically… take power away from blue states(aka donor states paying the country’s bills) and put the power to the rural states more easily manipulated by racism… this is how they intend to construct their apartheid government.

We all know if they get the question on the census, not only will it reduce response rates, but the non Citizens actually counted will be removed anyway and the Commerce department will say they don’t count for apportionment in the House. This unconstitutional power grab will be rubber stamped by new SC majority purchased by and for the oligarchy with a non precedent ruling (a la Bush v Gore) aka the IOKIYAR precedent.

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