Discussion: Emails: Pence Was Slammed By GOP For Easing Up On Religious Freedom Law In 2015

"ENTIRE Christian population in America under the Left’s Gay Extortion Bus"

Must be one helluva bus.


Beat me to it.


This is so confusing. I thought the religious right recently changed positions (no pun intended) and was all about sexual libertinism.


Well, the cons are right: Pence is spineless. If Spanky falls, we better hope Oence falls with him.

I don’t know how seriously I’m supposed to take someone who clearly expects the world to adapt ourselves to their “deeply held religious beliefs,” but who gives nothing whatsoever in return. I take them about as seriously as a boxer who turns the other cheek, and is pissed about his 0-42 record.


Pence’s beady-eyed, self-righteous malevolence scares me more than Captain Combover’s incompetence some days.

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Unless the AP identifies the GOP authors of emails slamming Pence what I read was a few of the base that called him spineless.

On another note Pence is as incompetent as anyone else in Trump’s administration. IN legislators that brought and passed the bill along with Pence couldn’t or wouldn’t defend their actions. And as horrible and nasty as this bill became we saw Pence bough to economic pressure. Will Trump and the rest of the Republicans do the same?

Apparently these “Left’s Gay Extortion Bus” are worldwide.

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A Pence one time supporter and critic said “the white flag of surrender to a ruthless horde of sexual jihadists.”
Isn’t he endorsing human rights abuses that occur in other countries?
One minute it’s Muslim ban because they are coming here to bring abhorrent practices. The next its endorsing the same repression against sexual minorities here at home.