Isn’t Powell admitting to breaking the law?
Did he use his personal email account?
No, no, of course not. The rules are different when you are 1) GOP and 2) a guy.
That’s why only Hillary gets zinged for it.
Well, people are definitely going to notice that he lied about the timing of his email advice.
He should have said “I can’t recall”—that always works for Republicans.
“I even used it to do business with some foreign leaders and some of the senior folks in the Department on their personal email accounts. I did the same thing on the road in hotels,” he added.
Not trying to “pin” anything on you, Mr. Powell, but your ass is no better than Sec. Clinton here. One year into her tenure or not – you are admitting–in writing–to attempting (and succeeding) to skirt State Department rules.
Come on, Trey – investigate Powell, subpoena all his emails!!
he did say that. Now the question is what is he going to say in lieu of? After all, Trump will likely treat this as a minor infraction.
I hope so.
Especially after the recent “they’re just trying to pin it on me” la-di-da. And the timing of her correspondence to him is exactly what one would expect from someone new to the job – asking a predecessor for advice.
cmon now…what about that man’s privacy?
OMGosh, Inversion! – Are you hinting that Colin Powell probably sent dick pics on his emails? You just know the Republicans were hoping beyond hope that Hillary had let at least one or two love emails to Huma slip through. Come on, Colin – come clean with the dick pics!
Ok I admit I’m not as clueless as Powell and signals but has it been proven that the Sos’s private server was hacked, and I’m not talking about spam.
So basically, Clinton was telling the TRUTH about what Powell said and Powell LIED. Yet here we are talking about her fucking emails in that Forum while Trump got NOT ONE question about his comments about McCain being captured and the Khans.
Once again…The Clinton Rules.
Do you mean the Department’s in-house server?
If the GOP can prove that HRC coughed while using her email server, it’s game over…
No her private server. And I guess yes has the State Dept. severs ever been hacked. The IRS and other Dept. have I’ve read about.
Imagine if this one e-mail was released, oh say 1 year, before HRC slammed those many Republiscums in that marathon Benghazi hearing? They’d still have pursued her but heck, the whole e-mail thing should have been out to rest.
And I’ll bet the media will NOT make any effort to corral Powell and get him to recant, apologize, et al, for clearly lying recently about the e-mail discussions with HRC. Just watch, he’ll duck any such questions…not that he’ll need to duck very low as the press gives him a big pass for past intransigence.
Yes, the State Department’s servers have been hacked in the past. However, I was under the impression the FBI determined there was no evidence of any hacks on Clinton’s private server.
But good hackers don’t leave traces, so… so she must have been hacked by the best hackers! Or at least, so I’ve been told.
For Powell, it’s easy – remember, he willingly lied through his teeth to the U.N. and the world about chemical weapons and nuclear capabilities of Saddam Hussein. Since then, I’ve never trusted anything he’s said.