Discussion: Elizabeth Warren Torches GOP's 'Pretty Simple Philosophy' On Economics

Discussion for article #230353

Nice. Now get some people outside of Massachusetts who agree with you get off their asses and vote, and maybe whatever you say will be taken seriously. Honestly, all I hear from Democrats now is a lot of braying, and no thoughts as to why the people who should support them sat on their hands on election day.


She is absolutely right. Spread the word!


I guess only when democrats are in the minority that they get headlines now? E Warren has been saying this over and over again, but somehow never got the spotlight before.


I love her but she shouldn’t be the only one (with Sanders) out there with this message. We shouldn’t have one Dem doing the heavy lifting and branding for the whole party. Where are the others? Where have they been?


This woman need to be president.


Or Senate Majority Leader.


“We tested the Republican ideas and they failed, they failed spectacularly. There’s no denying that fact,” Warren said.

A point that needs to be hammered.

Here’s how I would do it.

First, you pull out the chart showing the % of the country’'s wealth held by the top x%. Pick your number, but I would keep it 5% or less. Explain that the GOP has been telling us for 35 years that the path to economic prosperity is to get money in the hands of people who invest in new businesses and business expansion. This chart shows that we have been doing that for 35 years. Ask how long we have to wait for that prosperity to start showing up. Ask what percent of assets we are supposed to let the top x% accumulate, leaving the rest of us dividing a smaller and smaller pie.

You follow with similar discussion of charts: showing the split of national income over the years between the company owners and ordinary workers; showing the rise of productivity over the years versus the flatlining of median wages; showing the declining % of Federal income tax revenue from corporations over the years; and showing the growing gulf between CEO pay and ordinary worker pay over the years (as a bonus, point out that the CEOs say worker wages need to be kept low to be competitive internationally, then pull out a chart comparing CEO pay in the US to that in Europe, Asia, etc.).

It is not hard to create a compelling populist economic message from the data that resonates with the experience of huge numbers of upper-middle class and below voters. Use the facts. Stay away from the terms that we hear from the politicians over and over again, because listeners will quickly pick up on tribal identifiers and shut out your message if you aren’t in their tribe.


“We Tried It, It Was ‘Nearly Catastrophic’”

Teatroll response: “NO we didn’t. The federal gov’t still existed for the past 30-40 years, so we haven’t tried our idea at all yet.”


If only every Democrat in Congress could simply read her speeches, make notes and repeat these points over and over and over, we might get someplace.

Instead we wind up with the Joe Manchins and Mary Landrieu’s of the world, trying to edge as far right as possible and dragging the party with them bit by bit.


The very best current example of the failure of the GOP theory of trickle down can be found by Googling the words Brownback and deficit.


The village and the media will never allow it.

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Preach it, Senator Warren! She’s reiterated this continuously and yet in the MSM she was largely ignored. She was a voice in the wilderness. NOW they pay attention???

“The game is rigged, and the Republicans rigged it. …The average worker, the people of the middle class, hardly stand a chance as things now stand.”
_____Elizabeth Warren


There are, but they don’t get national headlines. My Senator (Merkley) and Congressman (Blumenaur) are both saying and introducing legislation on progressive issues.


Good example. I believe that Colorado also had a failed experiment with limiting the growth of the state budget to a formula that ignored the actual drivers of state spending.


Yeah, just give Kansas 10 to 20 more years and watch out.


Not just Brownback, but Walker and Jindal. Those states where the trickledowners have run unfettered are in terrible financial shape. Michigan and Florida are close behind, but all four governors got elected. It seems that it will have to collapse somewhere before the oblivious citizens realize they have been conned.


Or how about the Urban Dictionary’s definition of Brownback? Google it, this site won’t let me link to it!

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Tonight on FUX News and O’Reilly’s “No Sense Zone”: “This is the beginning of the libuuuuurals Warren Christmas.”


I absolutely agree with you about staying away from the same old terms we’ve heard again and again. For example, stop talking about cars in ditches. However, I disagree with the notion that the American people can be persuaded with facts, data, and charts. You pull out a chart and the average American’s eyes glaze over. I think Democrats need to learn to deliver the message like Bill Clinton. Throw in a nugget of hard data but frame it in dumbed down terms Cleetus can understand .I do think that’s been part of the problem. We’re too busy explaining and going for the cerebral while the Republicans are playing on pure emotion.